Chapter 40- Graduating With Style

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Aiden's POV

I can't help myself but keep spacing out thinking of the guy who dropped Yasmin off and let alone she won't tell us who he was which concerns me even more. Anna taps me on the shoulder giving me a concerned look and nudges to take a small walk so that we could talk. After we was a good distance she says quietly,"so what's on your mind to where you seem to be spacing out quite a bit today" I stopped walking and say looking down," I'm worried about Yazzy...and how she was riding with that guy and won't even tell us who he is" Anna looks at me and nods but then sits down." Normally I would be quick to jump and get answers but...I have a feeling he's not going to harm her Aiden...He looks at her the way both you and Louis looks at even though I am curious i also feel that she will be alright this time" I look at her after she said that and she smiles gently and grabs my hand saying we should head back and swims back. When we get close we hear Jess saying," I'm so excited and can't the way when do you guys graduate?" We slip back in and sit down and Yazzy says,"well...we will be graduating next week" and Lucas says," haha yea but first gotta past finals" this causes Karina to groan and us all to laugh. "Hey Karina maybe we could do what we did..." Yazzy says but Karina quickly covers her mouth and laughs suspiciously," shhhh.....hahaha it's nothing you guys." We all look at her and Chris and Lucas gets up and Chris grabs Karina and Lucas looks in Yazzy's eyes," what was you going to say before she interrupted you sis" Karina is trying her best to leave Chris's hold who has a tight grasp on her,"Yazzy...don't" Karina says and Yazzy looks at her then at the ground but Lucas lifts her face," don't make me have to ask again Yazzy i don't want to find out on my own."

She sighs and says softly," I'm sorry Karina.....we...we each had strong and weak subjects but my weak subjects was her strong...and her weak was my since we was identical twins..." I start to smirk and say," so you both traded places to be each other didn't you?" They both blush giving away the answer and Chris lets Karina go. "I actually think that's pretty amazing..I wish I could have done that in school" Lucas says and we all agreed and Karina and Yazzy giggles. "Well...since you both will be doing that and your secrets are safe with us don't about we all dye our hairs after graduation then?" I say and this got everyone excited since it's been so long since we dyed our hair. "we never dyed our hairs before...will mom be ok with it?" Karina says and I laugh," of course she will I'm sure she would even want her hair dyed." We spent the night laughing and giggling sharing past memories of when we was in school and the crazy things we did when we went to school together before I moved here with mom. We originally was suppose to sleep in separate rooms but we just formed a circle and slept in one giant room. The following day we had to leave and go back to school because of finals began all week long and Karina and Yazzy wore same outfit and hairstyle which I chuckled I'm going to enjoy watching this happen.

Just like Yazzy said they would switch places and seats then have to "use the restroom" to switch back before the day was over. This actually went on all week and nobody could tell them apart as long as they didn't speak too much because Karina had a more aggressive personality while Yazzy was more gentle. After all the finals was done it was time for us all to prepare for graduation. Yazzy walks up to me" it ok if I sing a song at the graduation party?" I look at her surprised and smiled saying of course she could and that I looked forward to hearing what she would be singing. She says that I had to wait and see then runs off.

Yasmin's POV

I run after asking Aiden if I could sing at the graduation party and he agreed and decided to text Luciel [Hey..I know it's too much to ask but...would you be able to do a song with me at my graduation party...I really want to introduce you to my family] I got nervous because I never got a response thinking I made him upset. I walked to the park and feel a tap on my shoulder to see him smiling and says while sitting next to me," sounds like a a song in mind or are we winging it?" I don't know why but him agreeing made me so happy tears fell from my eyes and I held him tight which causes him to chuckle and wraps his arms around me and I take in his scent and smile enjoying his embrace. "Also I got a present for you, however you will have to wait till after graduation to get it" he says and i pout and he laughs then flicks my forehead," oh come on don't be like that I promise it's worth a wait" He says and I blush saying softly,"...promise?" He looks me in the eyes smiling,"I promise" then he kisses me gently. He gets up and offers his hand which I took and followed him as we walked and I told him the song I came up with and the reason I did and he smiled agreeing it was a good choice. We went back to his house to practice and he thought it would be good to have a dance to go to it since it was a bit more upbeat. After dancing and singing he drives me home and i look at him,"um...will you be going to the graduation as well? I mean I know you're busy and have a lot of work..." He silence me with kissing me and i look at him," I promise I'll be there princess" I blush bright red. After saying goodbye I get my outfit ready

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