Chapter 48- It's Ok To Fall In Love

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Yasmin's POV

It's been over a month now since the dream and mom got remarried to our new dad and they look so happy together. Uncle Liam went to rehab and is finally home again healthy and full of life like he use to be. Mom decided it was best if they didn't do a honeymoon at least not at the moment because she felt all she needed was already in front of her (cheesy much mom?)However she did decided to do a family reunion concert. We decided to go ahead and be apart of it as well since its a full family event and even Anna's friends will be there. While I was walking to my seat in the auditorium ,I saw Karina and while walking towards her I hear," If you love Andrew you need to tell him Dee" wait Destiny? I walked closer and saw her and Karina and they look at me as if time had just stopped for them. " much did you hear?" Destiny says and I look at her," enough to know you are in love Dee...if you care about someone you should let them know because you never know when you will lose that chance to say it" I say and she looks down at me unsure of what to say and I smile and put my hands on her shoulders," its ok to think about it but just don't wait too long Dee alright?" and she nods. We walk and we see Andrew and Caleb talking and as we approached them Destiny walked slower and behind us as Caleb sees us," there's the rebels" I laugh and lightly punch him," says the one who's the king of rebels" that causes him to smirk and I roll my eyes. Andrew walks next to Destiny and I glanced at them and smiled. "so I hear your mom and dad are putting on a mini reunion concert with everyone in it" Caleb says and I smile.

"Yea and even Anna, Me, Karina and Dee will be in it too" I say and Andrew says," oh really? I can't wait to see it" that causes Destiny to blush. They asked when and where the show will be held at and I told them which turned out to be where mom had her first concert years ago. I'm really looking forward to it because even Annaley's friends will be there too which it has been a minute since we all saw eachother. Me, Karina and Anna get up and go backstage to put on our ballet outfit for our first performance with mom together as a new family.

Destiny's POV

I was so unsure about my feelings and wondered if I should just let it be and ignore it. I thought long and hard and ended up bumping into Mr. Groban and he looks at me," Hey Destiny is everything alright?" he says and I nod. He sits down and pats to a chair next to him and I sit next to him. "whats going on?" he says and I sighed," I've fallen for someone and though others maybe against it I can't help how I feel about this person" He puts a hand on my shoulders and says," listen closely to the words I sing tonight and then tell me if you are still unsure" he gets up and walks towards the stage as I sit in the audience. Caleb was helping backstage while Andrew was in the soundbooth setting the sounds. Mr. Groban goes to the stage as the lights dim and Aunt Ashley walks on stage in her ballet outfit with her daughters Anna, Yazzy and Karina and I decided to go ahead and listen to his song like he said and paid close attention and as the song began Aunt Ash started to dance as he begin to sing.

Have you ever felt

it could all go away

If you blink

If you never stop running *Anna starts to dance slowly*

you won't fall behind

So you think

And you wonder in your heart *Karina dances towards Yazzy and Anna*

If you're still not who you are

Who are you?

Nothing's as it seems *they hold hands and break apart slowly*

till it all falls apart

If you have a dream, *Aiden walks out and dances with Anna*

go chase it

If you feel hope, *Chris walks to Yazzy and dances with her*

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