Chapter 37- The NOT So Perfect Life

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Ashley's POV

I stare at my book shaking not knowing even where to begin as the room was filled with nothing but silence as they wait for me to speak," Ash..." Liam says and I set the book down and I stare at them trying to keep myself from crying and I sit down eye level to my kids and take a deep breath and look at them,"Growing up I was the troublemaker in the family, my brother was the talented one while my sister was the perfect one and trying to live up to them seemed nearly impossible. Our birth father had passed away when I was young and I don't remember him that well but I know he was a one of a kind, my mother on the other hand...we could never see eye to eye because I wasn't the daughter that she wanted me to truly be..." I pause for a moment and I see everyone paying attention waiting for me to continue and I take another deep breath and continued,"..When I was in middle school my brother and his friends auditioned for a talent show as solos but they didn't make it, however one of the judges saw something in them and wanted them to form a group together which ended up working in their favor because they passed and got in. Liam had to leave right away to travel city to city for live shows and events while me and my sister stayed behind. He would call every once in a while but then the calls slowly stopped and Dani she ended up getting a scholarship to an out of state college. Mom was proud of her and Liam doing amazing things and once Dani left the following mother started to drink and would recklessly spend money on other things so I had to get a job to make sure things was stabled at the house"

I start to feel tears fall down my eyes as I shake a bit more and I clear my throat, Liam and Dani looks at me and they get up but I have a hand up letting them know I'm fine and to stay seated. "As I started to work our mother found a new boyfriend who hated me just as much as she did. I was becoming exhausted from working that it was effecting my schoolwork and my grades and my teachers was constantly on my case and I often got sent home to be as teachers felt was being "taken care of" for my poor behavior and grades. What the teachers didn't know was I was already getting beat every single day by them and the little strength that I did have I used to do my best in school. I often hid my bruises because I was ashamed and I felt that it was my fault that it was happening and that my world was falling apart. When puberty hit me and this was also when she married her boyfriend in a courthouse. He would stay home while mom worked late and he would feel on me and I would feel so disgusted with myself that I would take a shower the minute he left scrubbing my skin till it was red wanting to wash away everything. I would hear him snickering while he would drink his beer in the bedroom. As that was going on at home I was bullied at school and the activities I tried out for didn't work out because I was just not the right type or right one because they didn't want a troublemaker or want to chance me stealing their boyfriends." I look at the ground remembering everything like it was yesterday and ball up my fist tightly putting them in my lap.

I try my best to stay calm as I continued," One day our mother came home late to celebrate her raise from work and she got wasted with her new husband and she saw him touching me and liked it so much they decided to take it further with the toys she had in her room and just breaking me and tearing me apart....then she wasn't satisfied enough she took it all the way letting him take the only thing I felt I had left of my own while she watched laughing then she herself joined in on their "fun" with me....I closed up after that day and would hardly talk and I didn't care anymore what the teachers said because the rescue I was looking for I knew wasn't going to come...I gave up completely and let them do whatever they wanted at that point because I already felt dead on the inside....One day I was bad mouthed by a teacher and couldn't take it anymore and cussed him out which of course got me sent to the principals office and that... that was when I was reunited with my brother, however it wasn't a happy reunion because he just found out all the trouble I caused which instantly caused us to be at eachothers throats. I had enough and decided to run away to Vegas and I ended up being kidnapped and taken to human trafficking where I was heavily drugged and barely fed. I decided to fight back one day and ended up paralyzed and could barely breath but Liam and the others found me and took me to the hospital but I became mute and wouldn't talk nor felt I could trust anybody" Keeping my eyes shut tight knowing the tears was falling.

Aiden's POV

We all sat there as she told us her story of what happened in her life and I didn't realize she went through so much. I can tell the memories was still hurting her because I could tell she was near a breaking point because she was shaking with her eyes closed tight holding herself trying her best to keep it together. I look at her worried ready to get up and hold her and then it happened she stopped talking and just broke down in tears no longer able to hold it together as I get up Uncle Liam and Aunt Dani stops me and walks to her and holds her tight and Uncle Liam tells us the rest of what happens including him sabotaging her past relationships to protect her and how she refused to give up on dad and how he wouldn't let her go. He also explained how mama was going back to her parents house for closure and to say goodbye so that she could let go of the past and just worry about the present and work towards the future. To lose dad must have really hurt her because they had alot of memories together and for him to love her the moment he laid eyes on her. "Dani..I'm going to take her to her room alright?" Uncle Liam says and she nods as he picks her up taking her to her room.

Aunt Dani looks at the ground," as you can see Yasmin her life....was no piece of cake nor was it close to it but the only reason she hid it was because she wanted to try protecting you guys from that life and have a better life than her." I look at Yazzy who had tears running down her face and shaking almost as bad as mama. I walk to her and hold her and so does Karina. "I...I didn't mean to hurt her....I didn't know" Yazzy says and Aunt Dani gets eye level on her and says," of course you didn't know...she didn't want anybody to know" She wipes Yazzy's tears and I look at Aunt Dani," she's...she's still hurting from it isn't she? she hasn't been able to let it fully go?" I say and she looks at me saying,"'s not easy to let something go that made a big impact on your life but she is trying to move on but losing your father as well though she may seem she's alright...she's just have a good poker as I call it because it's hard to read her" I get up to go see mama I needed to make sure she was alright and when I'm close to the door I hear her crying while Uncle Liam comforts her. I look down wishing I could honestly do more for them....I'm regretting the idea of opening up about her past but at the same time I'm glad that she did do it. There's gotta be something that I can do and I'll figure it out soon hopefully.

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