Chapter 33- Finding Strength

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Yasmin's POV

After falling back asleep I didn't realize how exhausted I really was until I fell asleep and woke back up, usually I get up before sunrise and watch the sunrise from my window but today I woke up and the sun was already out and when i checked the time it was a an hour before noon. I quickly got up and out of bed and took a shower and got dressed and tried to sneak into the kitchen where everybody was at but I was quickly busted and called out," well well looks like sleepy head finally woke up" Lucas says teasing and chuckles making everyone laugh and I pout a little and he walks to me and hugs me," awww don't make that face" he says and helps me sit down. I look around and see Karina wasn't at the table and I look down till I heard a noise from behind me, when I turned around there she was and everyone says good morning to her and she waves and grabs an apple and as she walks out Aiden grabs her wrist," Karina please sit we need to talk to you and Yazzy" He says and she just sits down a few seats away from me and looks at everyone waiting for them to speak. "Well it's clear that you both have powers but the real question is when did YOU discover it and how strong is it" Lucas says staring at both of us.

I play with my thumbs," we both did at the same time, on that exact day" I say quietly. They nod understanding and Chris says," alright that answers when you discovered it, now we need to see how strong it is." I honestly don't know how strong mines to be honest, I've rarely used it. Aiden looks at me and smiles then looks at Karina," strong is yours?" She looks at him and stares not even answering. Anna looks at her," how about testing it out on me, give me your best shot. I will stand in one spot and your job is to knock me down if you THINK you can" Anna says which makes Karina gets up and follows her outside and we all follow wanting to see a little action ourselves. Karina starts small and without a lift of a finger Anna makes it go away before touching her with her eyes closed. I can tell she's mocking her and nothing makes Karina more angry then people mocking her which I guess that's what she wanted. Anna yawns and pulls out a book and reads still standing in the spot waiting. Karina gets furious and instantly starts throwing alot of power Anna's way. I got so worried that she might have killed Anna but once the smoke cleared Anna was still standing in her spot reading not paying attention. "Die" Karina says quietly and Anna puts down the book and glances at her as Karina charges for her and Anna quickly moves and backhands her causing her to instantly calm down and become paralyzed. "learn to control your anger" She says and Lucas helps Karina sit down by the side glaring at Anna as she looks at me and smiles and says," you're next." I become scared instantly.

Aiden's POV

I looked at Yazzy and saw the fear in her eyes and I put my hand on her shoulders," don't worry you won't hurt her and if it turns bad we will help trust me" I say. Yazzy slowly walks to the middle a few inches in front of Anna who stands there smiling at her. "I don't have a good feeling about this honestly" Chris says softly and Lucas says," I agree." I look at them and then look at Yazzy not taking my eyes off her. She uses some magic and you can tell she's holding back and Anna looks at her and says sternly," Stop holding back or you will never know your strength Yazzy" and Yazzy looks down. "maybe if you was strong enough you could have saved your dad...who knows maybe he deserved to die" Anna says. "what did she just say..." Karina says trying to get up but Chris holds her down," keep watching" is all he says. Karina watches and Yazzy falls to her knees holding her head screaming and instantly the wind pressure changes," I really don't have a good feeling now" Lucas says and out of nowhere the wind stops literally like time froze and everything went mute and Anna glances around then right back at Yazzy who slowly stands up and when she opens her eyes it was glowing.

"so my eyes didn't decieve me when I saw this happening yesterday" I say moreso to myself watching. She instantly disappears and appears in front of Anna and knocks her down but she quickly catches her balance and they instantly go at it and I can tell Anna has to give her all to keep up. Anna is strong that's true she can hold her own but only to a point. When Yazzy punches Anna in the face I quickly jump in holding Yazzy back and then she starts attacking me and I easily keep up hold her wrist sending shocks to her body to calm her down and she screams and falls to the ground. I look at Anna who was getting up staring at me," you took it a bit too far for her don't ya think?" I say and she chuckles," it was the only way to get it all out of her" I watch her wipe the blood from her mouth, while Chris takes Yazzy to the living room and lays her down. Lucas helps Karina back in the house and gave Anna a dirty look before looking straight," looks like you officially made an enemy" I say and Anna says," good because she's gonna need that anger" I smirk and we both walk in and I hear Lucas say," YAZZY CALM DOWN" me and Anna quickly run to her to see her laying down but body glowing and I place my hand on her forehead trying to calm her down and calming the energy in her which takes a while but eventually works.

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