Chapter 13- Precious Memories

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Finn's POV

"We'll our story is pretty complicated you see...I honestly don't know where to begin" I say. Ashley walks beside me smiling," then lets start from the very beginning." I love this woman so much. I look at her and smile and just relive the moments of when I met her to becoming hers. "You see class...When I first met my wife...she was heartbroken" I say looking at Ashley. The class looks at us as I continue," So I thought of a way to get her through the sadness by taking lessons and as the lessons continued I was falling for her but there was one problem." I say walking to the piano. " What was the problem?" Aiden asked and the class nods wondering. I was about to answer but Ashley did for me," Our love that we shared...was forbidden" she says looking at me. "He was my teacher..and I was his student. So many was against our love and tried to pull us apart, but we held on tight" She says smiling at me and I start playing the piano and sing.


You speak near and true

But not a word I hear from you

For your eyes say it all

And I admit i'm about to fall

Because what we have

There is no controlling this

*sings looking at Ashley*

This love could be great

But they say it would be wrong

I don't care, cause i'd be lost without you

We live because we love

We love cause we belong

Yes i swear, oh you healed the scars

That never felt a wound

And we'll never need their rules

To guide the way

Love will light the day


What's in the name

I'm ready to risk the blame

Call me your own

No matter where we've got to go

Cause what we have

There is no controlling this

(Both of us)

This love could be great

But they say it would be wrong

I don't care, cause i'd be lost without you

We live because we love

We love cause we belong

Yes I swear, oh you healed the scars

That never felt a wound

And we'll never need their rules

To guide the way

Love will light the day

Love will light the day

Love will light the day

Love will light the day

At the end of the song she stands by me and leans in and kisses me with so much love as the class awes and claps. "I love you so much Ash" she chuckles and kisses me some more and says," and I love you so much Finn." She helps me up and we look at the class and I clear my throat,"mhm well moral of the story matter how old or young or distance is...if you truly love the person you will rise above and fight for it and once others see the determination and fire in you they will eventually give you their blessings" Karina raises her hand," so who tried to tear you guys apart?" I looked at her unsure to answer knowing it could definetly cause trouble for the family.

Ashley's POV

I looked at KP and said," It was my brother and his friends" Aiden and the girls looked at me shocked. "are you serious? but why?" Jazzy said. I looked at her then the others and down and sighed. " My brother was in a famous band so I rarely got to see him growing and when he came back...I was broken. Not only spiritually but physically too. I never felt good enough and always wanted to be alone...." I pause for a minute to look at Finn then I looked back at the class and take a deep breath before continuing. "Growing up I was abused by my parents, constantly compared to my twin sister and brother and had no safe house to run to so I could do nothing but hold in the pain until it ate me up on the inside...My brother found this book I wrote I kept more as a journal and read through it and once he learned the truth he became very protective of me." The memories rush through my mind as if I was reliving every single moment.

"Him and his friends both was able to restore me emotionally and I began to trust, love and hope again...however.." I paused and looked at Finn as tears fall down and I looked back at the class. " Closure was important for me so after being on the road when my brother and his band I went home...and when I did...I was badly beaten and was left on the side of the road to took someone three hours to finally find me and take me to the hospital" the knots start coming in my throat as I continued," I was unconsious in the hospital for a month, my aunt came when I finally woke and took me to her place where I was bedridden for two weeks. I couldn't move most of my bones was broken and took a while to heal. My brother came to get me during my last few days of bedridden and took me back on the road with him till we settled down here. You see my brother he means well and was only trying to protect me from getting hurt all over again, but once he saw that I really loved him he gave us his blessing" I stare at the class who remains shocked, quiet and in tears. The bell rings and they start gathering their stuff," One more thing class" I say and everyone stops and looks at me," If you're ever hurt, dealing with something, or just need a safe place to go don't ever hesistate to talk to us because you are safe here with us" and with that the class gathers the rest of their stuff and hugs me and Finn on the way out. Once the classroom was empty Finn walks to me and holds me," I'm so sorry baby I never knew" of course he didn't...I was too ashamed and didn't want him to know. "Sorry I didn't tell you sweetie" he gives me a gentle smile and says," I'm glad it's just over" and I look at him," sort of over....I never got my closure" I say and he looks at me worried.

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