Chapter 18-Yazzy's Operation

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Ashley's POV

Me and Yazzy decided to do some shopping for some things I knew we needed for the house and while heading to the checkout Jazmine tugs on my shirt and I turn around to see her looking down," Yazzy are you alright?" I say softly and she nods. "Mom please don't be mad at me" she says softly and I look at her worried. "mad? why would I....what happened Yazzy?" I say going eye level to her and I lift up her head. "baby talk to me...what's wrong?" I say and she says, " Mom...I'm ready to have the heart surgery....I want to have daddy's heart in me so he will always be close by to us" When she says this tears fall down my eyes and I hold her tight. "Yazzy sweetie he will always be close and watching over us" and Yazzy responds," I know mom but he needs to be home with us and I need a new heart and I trust daddy will help me through it and be with us not only spiritually but physically with his heart" I literally have no words to respond to something like that. "Are you sure about this Yazmine?" I say and she nods smiling at me. I'm worried if the operation is going to be a success because the last thing I need or want is to lose her as well. "Mom please don't worry....have faith in me that daddy will help me pull through. I need to have one anyways and no time like the present and get it out the way while I'm still young" I smile when she said this and I look at her and nod and call the hospital and they told me they could get her in as soon as a week and Jazmine said that she'd take it. When we go home I see Aiden and Karina watching sailor moon and I smile, reminding me of the days Aiden and I watched it together. "You guys.... Yazzy has an annoucement" I say catching their attention and they look at us waiting for her to speak. "I....decided to have the operation in a week" She says softly and they both look at her worried,"Yazzy..." was all Karina could get out. "Are you sure about this Karina? I mean it's pretty risky" Aiden says. She looks at them and smiles, " Yes I'm sure it needs to be done anyways and I would like you guys near me when it happens and that way when we come home afterwards....a part of daddy will be with us" and they both softened their eyes and looked at her and hugs her. "Alright as long as we get to all be there with you sis" Aiden says and I nod and add," of course we will be there."

The week went by a bit quick after that conversation and I was wishing it didnt, I decided to let the class not have homework at all this week for music and my gym class have free period so that I could set things up and prepare for the operation. The day finally came when we all packed up and left for the hospital and when we got there I signed her in. When her name was called we all looked at her and hugged her tight as we all walked to the back and we let her go in her room they gave her to change out her clothes and into theirs. When she got out the Doctor had her sit in a wheelchair and said only I could go into the operation room with her. I knew the kids would argue so I said quickly," alright but I want them to be here in her room waiting" and Aiden nods and he okayed it and they stayed in her room as I walked with him to the operation room. He asked me to stand a little back to give them room to operate and I did. Once they started the operation room I started to get worried watching them work and I started to panic when I saw her heart start to speed up beating too fast and got so scared to where I started hyperventing. One of the doctors take me to the side to calm me down while the others continued to work on Yasmine trying to slow down and calm her heart down. Once I was calm enough and they got her heart calmed down they finally made the quick switch and got it beating again and stitched her up and looked at me and smiled. "Mrs. Hudson...She will be alright from now on....her operation was a complete success. We will roll her back into her room and let her sleep and she will be ready to go home in a few days and back to school in a week." Tears of joy escaped my eyes as I walked to her and kissed her forehead and I thanked the doctors so much. As they rolled her back to the room Aiden and Karina stood up and watched her sleeping body be rolled to the room and they immediately looked at me worried wanting to know and I smiled and nodded as they sighed a relief and walked to her as the Doctor walks out the room. I explained to them what the doctor told me and Karina holds her hand and says to her sister," I'm so glad he helped you through it....I'm so glad I won't lose my only twin" as tears fall down her face and Yasmine says softly with her eyes closed, "sis you're silly we're not twins" and we look at her and Karina looks at her worried and confused," huh..what do you mean.." Karina says but Yasmine slightly opens her eyes and says," we're not twins silly...we're triplets...forever" Karina giggles and nods and says," triplets forever" and Aiden walks to them and they hold his hand and he smiles," triplets forever" I smile as I take out a camera and they all look and smile at me as I take the picture. "Hey mama you should be in the picture too" and the girls nodded agreeing but I told them there was nobody to take the picture but Aiden runs out the room and asked a nurse if she could do it and she happily agreed to. We all layed around Karina and smiled as the picture was taken. "ok kids Yazzy needs to rest" and they said ok and they pulled a chair each by her and blankets and laid next to her. I smiled and kissed them all on the forehead and said sweetdreams to them as I turned the lights and tv off and I laid in the chair next to Karina. The next few days we spent with Yazmine and played a few games and joked around and laughed. She was finally released when the doctors said she could return home and to take it easy. Aiden pushed her wheelchair while Karina and I grabbed her bags. Once we got to the car and home Aiden carried her to her bedroom and laid her in the bed. 

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