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" My goals don't stop for anyone.

Either you support me or I make it happen alone.

Either way it's going to happen."


Graduation Day 🎓

"Knock, knock knock!" " Isabella! Girl can you come on, we gotta line up. If we don't line up, we don't walk. As much as I spent on these shoes. I'm walking across that stage."

Tee just love to show off, but I wasn't in the mood. I just wasn't feeling it. Its just wouldn't be right without my mother. The tears just started flowing. I slid down the wall of the bathroom stall. I released light sniffles and whimpers, letting my tears roll down my cheeks and drip off my chin.

"Girl are you crying?" I rolled my eyes.

"Tee just go head bout your business" I could tell she wasn't going anywhere. "Do I have to climb under the door? 'cause I will. In these pricey ass shoes." More tears.

"Why Tee?, why did she have to leave? Why did God choose her to have cancer? And a time like this. I need her. Its not fair!"

"Bella, can you please open the door?" she begged in a somber voice. I reached up and slid the metal lock over to let her in. Tee slid down the bathroom stall wall, and set on the cold floor next to me.

"God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. But you knew that already. Your mother would be so proud of you. I'm proud of you. Your brother is and definitely your baby girl."

Tee reached up and pulled tissue off the roll and passed it to me. Its been six month and this was my first real cry. Tee was still going on and on about how my mother would be in my heart but she wouldn't understand. I guess i never really got it all out. Just didn't have time too. Shit with this being my senior year, a 3 year old, and trying to plan a funeral, I hadn't taken the time to grieve. Before I could form a sentence Tee was yanking me up off the floor. I guess Ill finish grieving later.

"Look at you washing my talents away with your tears. That face was beattt hunny." She made me laugh. Exactly why I kept her around. Through everything she was right there. When i found out I was pregnant, when my mom died, and even now. That's my girl. She touched up my face and gave me a big hug. "You ready? 'cause I can't spend another second in the smelly ass bathroom."

You could hear them making the announcement. "Your graduating senior class of 2016 "Seeee ughh. Come on." We grabbed our stuff and jetted out the bathroom. I looked over at Tee. "See we made it." I stuck my tongue out at her. "Bitch barely" she rolled her eyes.

I looked out into the crowd. I scanned the crowd to find my boyfriend or brother. There he was, with my baby girl. Then I realized that she was my reason. Not even me walking across that stage could compare. She was my greatest moment, and would be my greatest moment with or without the help of her father not that I allowed him that chance. He didn't even know about her. She blew me kisses. I blew some back. " I love youuuuuuuuuuuu" I screamed up to her. After a few hours of people telling us how much the world had in store for us and how we would go on to do great things, we were ready to walk across the stage. If only they knew the journey i would have to take to get there. "Isabella Mia Smith".. mission accomplished.

"Okay, get this shirt and we can match it with something out of Zara." Tee said looking through racks of shirts in forever21.

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