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Keep your guards up, people move FUNNY.

Bella. 🎀
Saturday, January 13th

 🎀Saturday, January 13th

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2 weeks later.

"I don't like you mommmyyy !" Bella hollered at the top of her longs.

The way I was feeling this morning I could really hurt this little girl. It was a new year and I was giving out ass whopping this year. I took a few breaths and counted to ten. I was trying to wash her hair for the last 30 minutes.

"Move again and you're getting popped I can promise you that." I bend her head back underneath the water. She took that time to kick her feet getting water everywhere.

I couldn't do it I let her go and walked out the bathroom. Wherever her father was he needed to get here now.

"Yeah Bella ?"

"Where the fuck are you ? You said you'll be here a hour ago."

"Helping Reek with the baby shower the fuck man. What's wrong ?"

Today was Tee baby shower and Emily was going out of town with her grandmother. Rose wouldn't be at the baby shower and Tee was excited.

"Your daughter is being disrespectful and I can't, I'll hurt that little girl today. She will be sitting in the tub till you get here."

"Don't put your hands on her, my mother should be on the way to get her, just have her ready."

"No you come and do it, I give up I tried."

"Fucking annoying. Ite man I'm on the way." He said hanging up.

I heard Emily calling my name but I simply ignored her. Knowing her father he dropped everything and now making his way so she was good until he got here. I got back into my bed and closed my eyes.

"Mommy I was calling you." Emily came into my room naked dripping water everywhere.

"Who told you get out the tub ? Nobody stop thinking you grown." I excluded her right back to the tube.

"I don't like you meany." She folded her arms across your chest.

"God stop her while she's ahead." I prayed and left back out the bathroom and Sincere was coming up the steps.

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