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"Peoole will have your name in everything but a prayer. 🙏🏼"
- unknown

Sincere. 🙏🏼

If this was one of god ways of wakin me to face reality he did one hell of a job. All I remember is my daughter crying out for me some shit should never go down around her and that was me almost loosing my life in front of her. I don't know if he was waking me up like this to show me the way I was living is wrong or the way I'm tearing the people around me is wrong.

I can put all my money on it I know everybody was here yesterday. I treated almost all them like they meant nothing to me and they still cared. It's a must I get myself together not only for me but my daughter as well she see no bad in me but I need to be the man she can look up to with out puttin on a act.

These clown niggas know who I am and know for a motherfuckin' fact I don't play when it comes to my daughter. I would've had mad respect for them if they would've pulled up on me by myself and showed face. Not bust at me with my child in the backseat she could've got hit and for that one reason everyone of them gotta meet god personally.

I been woke  for what it felt like hours my side was sending pains through my body. I seen a pull out big out the corner of my eyes but couldn't see who was laying down sleep. It was either my mother or Layla I know Bella was ready to take Emily away from for some time. I promised her I wouldn't put her in harms way with my business.

"Hey, How long you been work what me get the nurse." A voice cut me out of my deep thoughts I was surprised when it was Bella voice. I shook my head yes and she walked towards the leaving out.

Minutes later she came back with two nurses one cleaned my wounds and changed the bandages the other one put some type of medicine in my IV.

" It's a blessing to see you have awoken Mr.Card. I understand you're going to be in a bit of pain but give the medicine some time to work and you won't feel a thing okay ?" She asked I shook my head as a response.

"I need to hear words Mr.Card"

"Ok." I replied back simply in a low tone my mouth was dry I could barely say that.

" I'll get you some juice and water. Hold off on eating right now just in case we have to run more blood test on you." She said smiling before leaving out the room with the other nurse.

" I didn't think you would be here. What you ready to go off on a nigga and take Emily as away." I got straight to the point after the nurses came back with my drinks.

Bella was sitting in the chair next to my bed just looking at me like I said something wrong.

" I wish I could, I wish I could take her away from you but I can't. She won't let me you know your child, our child cried her little eyes out for hours because she wanted you. She wanted you after everything that went on that day. I never seen my child so hurt in my life all she wanted was you. Wake up and see how much one person loves you before it's to late."

" Bella mane, you gotta believe me when I say I would never let something happen to her. I don't got beef with nobody so I didn't know I was being followed around until it was to late. I love Emily more then I love my life. So hearing her cry for me and I couldn't do nothing still got my mind fucked up."

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