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The look on my brother face I knew all to well it was the same look when he use to try and beat me for putting hands on layla

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The look on my brother face I knew all to well it was the same look when he use to try and beat me for putting hands on layla. Same face he make when somebody ask him about his mother. He walked  back into the food spot and beat the shit out of this nigga and his man just watched. We let him get his self together but it was far from over. When Reek was beating his ass I called two of my man to come get them and take them back to one of our DEADLY trap houses.

"Come take a ride with us real quick" I said to the two clowns nigga.

"Nah we good blood." He friend said.

"We ain't asking no questions y'all leave with us or somebody going to come drag y'all bitch asses out." Ty'Reek said.

"Nigg shut your bitch ass up all in my baby mother face I should whop your ass too." I said.

"All this over some bitches ? damn." The nigga Rell said out his bloody mouth.

"Still talking shit ?" I shook my head. "You should shut the fuck up to look at your face nigga." I said laughing.

"I'm done talking y'all coming or not ?" Reek asked standing to his feet.

" So y'all could kill us or something fuck we look dumb ?" Rell asked.

"I'll never get my hands dirty with y'all broke no money havin ass nigga." I said walking behild Reek out the door.

I watched Reek tell Big D and his brother go ahead and get them we jumped back into his car headed to the trap house in New Jersey.

"So what's your plain big guy ?" I asked looking over at him.

"You know I'm crazy but ima let my girl do him off."

"You going let Tee kill her ex ? Don't think that will work."

"He fucked her up she better kill him if not she going to watch me end him. Her choice."

"You mad crazy I gotta watch this."

"I still wanna know what the fuck he was talking about when he said she killed my child."

"Maybe she was pregnant and killed the baby I don't know."

"Mostly likely, she do some shit like that with me she going to meet her maker."

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