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"Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from the negative."
- unknown


Saturday, The Next Morning 💚

"Mommy get him, get him !" Emily said laughing running from the pillows Sincere were hitting us with.

"Nope mommy can't save herself so she can't get me." He said knocking me upside my head laughing.

This how we woke up this morning playful. After our talk last night we need up staying here. Me and Emily slept in the master bedroom and Sin stayed in the guess room but came to wake up this morning.

"Oh my gosh, your cheating Sin give us more pillows."

Emily start jumping up and down on the bed before Sin knocked her down on her back. "Do it again do it again." She said standing back waiting to get knocked down again. Shaking my head "My baby is crazy."

"Look who her D.A.D.D.Y is." He said spelling it out we still haven't explained the whole father thing to Emily just yet. We wanted her to enjoy being around nothing but love yesterday.

"Okay I'm done playing with you guys." I said getting up going into the bathroom to take care of my business. Walking out the bathroom Sincere and Emily was laying down in the bed watching Dora the explorer.

"Sin can I use your phone real quick." I asked watching them both point to the night stand. I took it back over to him so he could unlock it with his tumb.

"You broke mommy phone you threw it down like." Emily explained showing him exactly how he throw it down making me shake my head. My child was indeed smart and that was the reason I didn't want to do anything in front of her.

"Mommy got enough money to get you and her a new phone." He said making her eyes light up like she was really going to get a phone maybe a Ipad or something.

"To young but you could get a iPad or iPod which one you want ?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Think about it and let me know I'm going to call Tee I know she worried sick." I said walking out the room heading downstairs to the kitchen calling Tee phone.

"Hello ? " She picked up sounding half way awoke.

"I know you worried sick but we're okay."

"Yeah I know now I had to called Ms.Rose and she said y'all went with Sincere. Are you okay and where the hell is your phone?"

"The crazy man broke that bitch." I said laughing now because I got more then a enough money to replace it.

"Wait what ?" She start laughing with me. "Why he brake your phone ? He only been a daddy for 2 hours and already acting like a crazy baby father."

"No he had a reason to be upset it was my fault this time." I said taking food out to make breakfast."I gave Emily the phone to talk to your brother and Sin was standing right there." I explained feeling stupid all over again.

"Dumb bitch ! Why would you do that ? Your Asian ass don't think some times."

"Bitch I was mad and wasn't thinking now a bitch phone less but 1200 hundreds dollars richer."

"He gave you 1200 hundred for a new phone ? Hi babyyyyyyyy daddddddyyy."

"Shut up and put your tongue back in your mouth. Somebody texting his phone like crazy. The sound irritating in my ear it's probably his girlfriend because he ain't come home last night."

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