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"Cancel your pity party. Pull yourself together and take total ownership for everything in your life."
- unknown

6 months later 🗓 December 6th 🤞🏽

Bella. 💙

The pain that was going through my body woke me up out of my sleep

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The pain that was going through my body woke me up out of my sleep. I looked over at the alarm clock sitting on the dresser and seen it was only 3:23am. I moved on my other side thinking it would help but it made matters worse.

"Stop moving so much Ma." Sincere said halfway woke he wrapped his arm back around me pulling me closer to him.

"It hurt, my body hurt so bad." I said putting my face in his neck on the verge of crying.

"We going to the doctor today because going through this shit every night is blowing me." He said unwrapping his arms from around me and getting out the bed walking towards the bathroom to run me a bath water.

For the last week I been having these painful feelings in my side and back at first I thought it came from not drinking enough water but I knew it couldn't be because that's all I have been drinking. The only way for the pain to go away I would have to sit in some hot bath water.

"Come on." He said throwing my bath towel over his shoulder. He must've seen the pain in my face because he came and picked me up. He took me into the bathroom and removed my pajama shorts and a T-shirt then sitting me down in the tub.

"Can I have a kiss ?" I asked him before he could leave out the bathroom he came back leaned down and kissed my lips over and over.

"I love you." I said letting my shyness show.

"Love you too Ma, ima about to lay back down call my name when you ready to get out." He said kissing my forehead before leaving out.

Over these last six months my family had became so much stronger. Me and Sincere go through our shit from time to time but he come home to me and his daughter every night with no problem. I guess it was safe to say he was my boyfriend but we never bothered to put an tittle on us. We just went with the flow of things and I never been so happy in my life.

Both Sincere and Emily had a birthday some weeks ago and we went on a family trip together. We did all type of family vacations now that Sincere bipolar disorder was not a problem no more I make sure he take his medicine everyday and he made a promise to me he wouldn't put a fight with me.

Our family had got better but other things was still really messed up. Me and Sincere mother don't talk and some months ago I almost put hands on that lady. If somebody asked me how we got to this point I wouldn't know what to tell them. After that day I took Emily away and went to New York and Kendra feeding with lies she stop showing respect to me and Tee.

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