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Birthday Party. 🎉

Here I was having fun with everybody that came out and showed me some love for my birthday

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Here I was having fun with everybody that came out and showed me some love for my birthday. My birthday wasn't till tomorrow but we couldn't do all this on god's day.

My life been so busy over the last week from me taking care of Sincere nursing him back to Heath. We have become so much closer since he
left the hospital. He kept his word and didn't change up on me we was Co partnering just fine. Emily loved having her mommy and daddy in the same room together. I also had to make time for my family after a long day of work and still being a wonderful girlfriend to Odell.

Tee put this amazing birthday party together for me and I was beyond thankful. Everybody was here having fun. People from my job , Ty'Reek and Sincere friends , some college girls from back home, some of kim friends flew out and of course Sincere whole family. Layla was even here having fun with her new date. He was a tall light skin man he looked pretty good to me she haven't stop smiling since she walked through the door. I was happy to see her happy even if it was just with a friend.

"Bella , Bella happy birthday pretty." Layla said kissing my side cheek and handing me a big pink bag. "I want you meet my friend Ronnie." I said waved my hand hi and he pulled me into a friendly hug.

It was so way in hell you could break up with your soon to be husband and some weeks later already seeing some one. She been seeing this man but that wasn't my business to worry about.

"Awww, thanks Layla can't wait to see what's inside." I said peeking in the side of the birthday bag.

" You're going to love it, Emily helped me pick it out last weekend."

Sincere and Layla was no longer together but that didn't stop her from still being apart of Emily life. I didn't stop her and wasn't going to. Her ex boyfriend on the other hand had other plans.

" Thanks again girl have fun tonight with Mr.Ronnie." I winked my eye at her and she start giggling pulling him along with her.

Everybody was either eating , at the bar or on the dance floor. I was walking around making my rounds making sure everything was drama free. My child father was nothing less than a shit started and my boyfriend was also here tonight.

"Bitch here." Tee said walking over to me handing me a nice size cup of Hennessey. "Keep walking around this party like you top flight security of the world."

"Mmm, Sincere and Odell are both here Tee."

"Mmm, So ? I wish his shot up ass would start something in here and I spend all this money to have it perfect for you."

"Just want everybody to have some fun." I said giving her my best sad baby face.

"That's your problem best friend you want everybody around you happy. When are you going to stop and worry about your happiness?"  She asked making every bit of sense I always been like this. I wanted everybody around me happy without thinking about my own happiness.

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