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"I have lost myself again and I feel unsafe." -unknown

Isabella. 🤰🏼

Tuesday, April 15th 7:30am ⏰

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Tuesday, April 15th 7:30am

"Pop ! Pop ! Pop !"

My hands hitting skin and crying was all you heard this morning in our household.

"Now, lets try this again put your shoes on Emily Card." I said placing her back on her feet.

I was in the business off tearing them legs up this morning. I watched her cry while jumping up and down. Me and Sincere payed her no mind as we continued getting dressed.

"Dadddddyyyyy !" She cried louder when she seen he wasn't feeding into it this morning.

"Nah Emily man, we all light skin and you got mommy black side coming out."

"Enough been enough, not saying anything more then two times no more."

Everybody had something to do today, Emily had school of course and we was going to my doctor to find the sex of our baby. I was four months on the nose today and beyond irritated.

I been staying to myself for the most part and time has been flying. I'm not into nobody else business but my own.I no longer work so I'm either with Tee and Star or using all my boyfriend money shopping for the kids.

Sincere on the other had got himself into some shit causing us to have to move in another house. I had to tell him he can't help everybody because nobody there to help him when shit get real. I guess whoever this Gee person is has been watching Reek and I guess for a minute now. I know it's more to the story but me and Tee always get bit and pieces. Sincere told me he haven't seen Gee since he came home because he always got young nigga doing his dirty work.

I know things like this have my best friend scared to death because the bond their daughter have with her father. We never think the worst but the way things been lately we no other choice too.

"Ready ?" I asked them both grabbing my jean jacket.

It wasn't cold but it's April meaning it could start running any given time just because. Sincere was dressed in some jeans and house shoes and Emily was dressed in a pretty dress.

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