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New York City 🌃
To ✈️
California 🌴🌞

New York City 🌃 To ✈️California 🌴🌞

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Isabella 💕.

"Mommy can I call my daddy today ?" Emily asked she been asking that same questions since we got here two days ago.

"Yes, later on remind me and I'll let you call him okay ?" I asked and she shook her head yes. "Finish eating your food so we can go wake Tee up and start our day."

We been in California for two days so far so good. We been saying at a hotel which we got in Lupe name for many reasons he didn't ask why he was just excited we came unexpectedly. Sincere and Ty'Reek been blowing up our phones left to right we was honestly scared when we first got here. After awhile we said fuck it and enjoyed everything about home.

I was going to let Emily call her dad today but I didn't want her to call from my phone and he get somebody to track my location. He already called Lupe but blood before anything Lupe didn't tell him nothing. Reek on the other hand was going crazy after Tee texted him and send him sonogram pictures. He told her he back in 24 hours or else but these men had to understand our family was here my brother and her mother.

"K, mommy let's go jump on auntie." Emily said wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"We can't jump on her stink but we can jump on the bed okay ?" She shook her head grabbing my hand walking on the other side of our nice hotel room.

I picked Emily up and stood her on the bed and told her wait I stood up on the end of the bed and held up three fingers.

"3 . 2 . 1 JUMPPPPPP !" I yelled jumping up and down laughing with Emily. Tee started to move around then opened her eyes smiling before pulling Emily feet making her fall. She attacked her face with kisses making her bust out in giggles.

"Auntieeeeee auntieeee stopppp." She said laughing from getting tickled. After Emily whole face turned red Tee stopped getting out the bed.

"Y'all couldn't wake me up like normal people ?" Tee asked walking towards the bathroom.

"Nope, you know we ain't normal are you excited about seeing your mom today ?"

"Mmmmmm, bitter sweet you know how I feel about her sometimes."

" Yeah I do hopefully today bring you nothing but peace everything won't get better over night." I said watching her put vitamin E oil all over her pretty little stomach.

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