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Liam's point of view
With Louis temporarily in his headspace it will be a good time to get him to sleep because he has definitely worn himself out crying.

"Ni is Harry downstairs" I ask him.

"Yeah he just got in according to Zayn he is feeling really bad for hurting Lou" he sighs.

"Not good enough he is new to this stuff Harry had no right especially so early on" I nag at him.

"Hazza bad, mummy keep me safe" Louis says clinging to me.

"Obviously but you need to understand Harry won't be doing that again I think he is ready to say sorry to you" I say rubbing his back.

"Ok" he hiccups.

I walk downstairs and sit down on the settee, Louis on my hip. As soon as Harry spots Louis he stands up.

"Dude I am so sorry for hitting you I have been having a really bad time lately and I have been taking it out on you, I don't mean it though it just happens. Doctors have said I will have these moments often" he sighs.

"Why did you go to the doctors" I ask curiously.

"They said their is something wrong with me" he mumbles.

"What" Zayn questions.

"They said with the mood swings and other stuff I have told my counsellor they have diagnosed me with bipolar." He says sadly.

"Mate why haven't you told any of us about this it's a big thing and it could have saved Louis getting hurt" I yell at him making Louis jump and his pacifier drops out of his mouth making him cry.

"Lou baby just stay quiet for one second" I say softly pressing his pacifier into what I presume is his mouth.

When I still hear the whining I start to move it around his face and I feel a tug so I take it as he has latched on.

"Because it's embarrassing Liam having a label it makes you people expect you to do something and presume how you feel" he groans flopping down on the settee.

"But Harry we have all been friends for so long it is really upsetting that you think that we would to that. Maybe looking after Louis will help you cope a bit, forget about it for a while" I say sympathetically.

"But when he is being defiant and stuff it is hard to keep my temper, Liam it scares me I am like a monster" he cries.

"You're not a monster I am pretty sure most parents these days want to throttle their children you aren't alone when you spank a child but you can't just do it for silly little reasons like him kicking you. He's our baby and we expect him to act like a baby. Every child thrashes about during a tantrum so we can not hit him for that, he's playing the role like we want him to" Zayn tells him pulling him into a hug.

"Hazza no cry Louis good boy now Louis even has a dummy look" Louis says pointing to the red pacifier in his mouth.

"What a good boy you are" harry smiles wiping away his tears. "Now how about you take your bottle and lie down in your crib for a well needed nap."

He nods and wriggles away from me and I put him down. He crawls over to his crib and sits their waiting for me.

"What a good boy you are" I praise as he reaches through the bars and grabs the small comforter.

Louis is right where we want him now and everything will be alright ..

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