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Sophia had changed hotels the very same morning. She'd packed her bags, packed Louis' items and moved to a hotel across town knowing fine well Liam would be furious with her actions. She wasn't the slightest bit bothered anymore, it wasn't something that annoyed her if he was mad at her or not now.

"Where the fuck are you" he shouted down the phone "louis is meant to be at the meet and greet with us"

"You are not exploiting my baby to the press whilst he's vulnerable you monster, stay the fuck away from the both of us and I mean it"

"I shall not, he's my boy"

"Was he your boy when you let him starve last night? No he wasn't so don't fucking start you selfish twat"


Sophia jumped and turned round to see Louis clutching his blanket adorably holding a toy in his hand. He must have finished playing and come to find her.

"Mummy was just finishing up here. Say bye to dad boo"

"Bye dad"

"No, Soph, don't you dare"

With the last word she cut the call before taking hold of louis' hand and waking back to the sofa. The room they'd been accommodating in was rather nice and spacious too. The children's entertainment was only downstairs and she had considered taking Louis down to watch some whilst she sorted through business emails.

Sophia's point of view
If anybody could of ever said that loving somebody too much was wrong then they are mistaken. Louis makes me so unbelievably happy it's heartwarming.

"Love you mama"

"Oh my darling boy, I love you so much more"

A sharp kick in my stomach makes me double over and chuckle slightly, clearly posie is jealous.

"We could go down to the pool before we go watch the magician act hmm" i smile at him.

"Yeah mama, do some splashies"

3rd point of view
She chuckled before checking his appearance. She was still in a bikini and top from her morning dip when he was asleep during the transfer so she was fine but Louis still remained in toy story pyjamas. She knew the weather was considerably hot so she chose him some nemo swimsuit and adorable little sandals which she could slip on if he were to walk around the outside. When they were finally set she set up his buggy before placing him in it and turning on the sun fan leaving him whining in frustration. The wind was blowing his hair upwards and making it hard for him to play with his toy. She chuckled before opening her door and heading down to the pool.

"Are you heading for the stairs" a man asked walking beside a young toddler "if so I'll help you carry it down"

"Yeah, tHaNk you" she smiled at him taking hold of the front of the pushchair whilst the man helped her down.

The small toddler kept up beside Sophia and before long they were at the very bottom of the resort leaving them to head to the pool.

"I'm luke" he offered a hand

"Sophia" And this is my boy Louis"

"What a lovely name, this is Charlotte, she's my niece"

"What a lovely name"Sophia complimented "what do you think of this resort "I've just moved over"

"It's honestly amazing, the quality is fab. We're about to head to that magician thing afterwards if you fancy joining us"

"Yeah I shall do" Sophia smiled.

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