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Posie grace louise Payne was born during the night of the 1st April weighing just over 5 pounds. The family were besotted but Sophia still remained scathed by the fact her mother still hadn't came around and wasn't present at the birth.

"She's so small" Liam cooed brushing his large thumb over her small hands.

She was perfect in every way. Her facial features were leaning more towards Liam however her nose was clearly a trait Sophia had passed down.

"She's been so fussy all night" Sophia smiled lightly "happy you're here so I can sleep"

"Don't sleep for too long, my mums going to bring Louis down at some point" Liam continues to smile fondly at his child.

HIS child. A mixture of him and Sophia lay cradled in his arms and the love radiating from him was so much to handle.

"My baby. How has he been. Is he excited to see her" Sophia asked firing questions quickly.

His approval was a large worry of Sophia's. She didn't want the boy to feel pushed out or anything so she was trying to fit him in from the very start to make sure he was okay with everything that was happening.

"Yes of course, I sent my mum the photo. They went shopping for a present for her"

"My boys got a heart of gold" Sophia's eyes sparkled "my pride and joy"

"He's been having the nightmares less and less" Liam commented proudly "don't think he's woke up for the past 3 days which is leaving him in headspace for longer periods of time"

"Is he in headspace today" Sophia asked hopefully.

"Yeah, he's feeling quite young according to my mum. He's demanding to be carried everywhere and has drooled on 3 of his outfits already"

"Bless" Sophia commented fondly "can't wait to see him"

"It's good that you don't have to" Karen entered the room "now where's my granddaughter"

"Hi mum" Liam rolled his eyes

"Oh shush jealous, you've spent how many years of me fondling over you"

Liam glanced to the pushchair to see Louis was fast asleep, his hair gelled back into a comb over as his outfit remained relatively clean. His small white sneakers hung over the edge of the pushchair as he turned on his side and continued sucking on his pacifier, he was clearly dead to the world.

"She's so much like you li" she commented brushing back the pink blanket the baby was wrapped in. "How are you dear"

Her question was directed at Sophia but she was in a different headspace now already lifting the sleeping child effortlessly now she no longer had a large stomach.

"Oh, uh yeah I'm good" Sophia smiled "I'm feeling very well actually. They think we will be able to return home later in the day"

"As long as the both of you are ok I see no problem in that." Liam smiled happily.

He walked to Sophia's bedside running his hand over louis' hand which lay on his girlfriends chest and smiled. The boy looked so peaceful and innocent in a position like this.

"I want to switch it around and have louis' name in hers, preferably louise" Sophia told the two "I think he deserves to have a title like that"

"I couldn't agree more" Karen smiled "first name? You kept it a secret"

"Posie, it's a name louis picked also. We were just set on it" Liam told her.

"What a beautiful name" she smiled "what a beautiful family"

"Thanks mum"

"Yeah thanks Karen"

Louis stirred before opening his eyes frantic with excitement when he realised he was being held by his mummy.

"Mummy mummy" he kicked out frantically wriggling to try sit on her knee.

His enthusiasm startled Sophia before she chuckled and calmed him, sitting him down on her knees gently.

"Do you want to meet your baby sister boo bear" Sophia cooed gently "I think you'll Love her"

"Okay" he sighed softly.

An underlying fear of being now left on his own because they had bigger priorities scared him. When they had mentioned it on the phone he hadn't thought about how it was going to be looked after but seeing Liam clutching the baby was enough to push him back into a few years older than he had felt previously. He was placed in a chair and Liam slowly laid her down into his arms crouching beside and holding her head to help him out.

"She's so lovely isn't she Lou" Liam smiled at the boy "my lovely baby"

"Babies" Sophia interrupted "our lovely babies"

"Yes of course"

Louis took a few moments to scan the baby carefully. She had the smallest nose and her hands were also tiny making him smile softly. He pressed his hand against her and jumped a little when she let out a sudden cry"

"M sorry" Louis apologised looking mournful as the baby was taken away from him and passed to Sophia.

"Don't be baby, she's just crying" Liam lifted the tearful boy up from the chair.

"Me and momma want you to know we won't forget about you Lou" Liam told him seriously "love you so much and I've been the worst to you lately but I'm trying"

"Mhmm daddy, Lou knows" he spoke back to his father pressing his head into his chest so he could
Still see Sophia. She gently stood up rocking the baby whilst drinking her drink.

"Suppose daddy had better fix your clothes ehh baba" Liam chuckled to Louis sitting him on the side table.

He quickly swept the boys hair across and pulled his t shirt down so his vest wasn't showing and adjusted his shorts so they weren't wrapped sideways along with tightening his laces and straightening his socks. He loved having his baby presentable.

"So much better hmm" Liam smiled gently pressing the pacifier into Louis' mouth who happily accepted it.

He usually had to ask for one so now he was being given one without having to ask was more than a reward to Louis. Liam's mum had departed by this point with the call from work saying they needed her and she landed a kiss on both her grandchildren's forehead and left. Louis felt relieved, instead of feeling rejected and ignored he sat in the comfortable arms of Liam as he pulled funny faces to entertain him whilst Sophia fed posie. His fear wasn't something he could worry about now, he was being proven wrong, people were capable of loving him and Louis was capable of being loved


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