Niall's new girlfriend

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Niall's point of view
I watch intently as Casey sits with a glare on her face while I talk to Jenna.

"Daddy. I want my paci" she whines kicking her legs off the chair.

"It's clipped to your shirt darling put it in yourself" I say laughing.

"She isn't half cute" Jenna says laughing.

"Yeah she is" I agree smiling fondly.

"So what time does the practice finish so I can come to yours" I say moving closer to her.

"Daddy" Casey whines once again smacking her hand off the chair.

"What" I say quickly slightly annoyed at her constant whinging since we got out the car.

"Down" she says looking at the floor hopefully.

"Fine" I say picking her up quickly and place her by my feet making sure to press her pacifier in her mouth so she doesn't moan.

A small tugging at my leg makes me switch my attention down to the little girl whining and tugging at my jeans.

"Casey daddy is talking one second" I say prising her hands from me.

"No. Up" she shouts.

"Erm it should finish In a good hour or so then you are free to come over anytime" she says trying to ignore how mard Casey is being so she doesn't encourage it.

Somehow she manages to pull herself up to my waist and grabs my hand holding on tightly wobbling around a bit.

"You are going to be the death of me" I say tightening my grip on her hand so she doesn't slip.

"I want milk daddy" Casey smiles goofily up at me.

"It's in the car though darling why don't you have your bottle of apple juice." I tell her sighing.

"Nuh uh milk" she says quickly.

"Tough Casey daddy said you have to have apple juice" I tell her firmly.

"Daddy" she shouts dramatically throwing her hands about and hits me right in the stomach.

"Just stop it Casey now you're being extremely clingy and jealous please let me finish my conversation and I'll pick you up but I'm not until I have" I say to her tapping her padded bottom 2 times enough for her to feel it.

"How about you Come here darling and see if you can hear your heart through these" Jenna says showing her all the medical equipment.

"Yeah" Casey squeaks excitedly toddling over holding onto things for support.

The last step Jenna picks her up and places her on her hip quickly.

"Now daddy doesn't have a little sidekick" I finally manage to crack a smile.

"Ha" Casey smiles smugly playing with Jenna's scethascope.

"How has she been today up until you brought her" Jenna asks me.

"Well we had some talks this morning because she was worried about me leaving her and I explained I would never think of doing that because she is my beautiful little girl ain't you Casey boo" I smile reassuringly at her.

"Da" she says quickly reaching her arms out to me which I accept and place her on my hip.

"Wuv you" she mumbles taking her pacifier out her mouth before placing It back in.

"And I love you too baby" I say kissing her forehead.

"Why don't you go back home and see how Louis is doing and leave Casey here with me for a bit" Jenna suggests.

"Would you like that" I ask Casey which she nods happily at.

"Take that as a yes I will just run to the car and get her changing bag and her pram because she is due a nap." I say "you wanna come baba or you staying here"

"Come" Casey answers.

Luckily the practice isn't that full and considering this is an ageplay doctors everyone understands and accepts.

"Dada dada" Casey hums happily pulling out her pacifier and pushes it to my lips.

"No darling you keep it whilst daddy gets your Bag and pram out the car" I say gently holding her tightly on one hip as I juggle everything one handed.

Once the pram is set up I am quick to place her in it which she whines at and clambers to get out at.

"No stop Casey now lie down please" I say to her firmly managing to do the buckles.

She kicks and screams but I ignore and pull out the feeding pillow and slip the comfy item around her neck before grabbing a ready made bottle. I place the bottle teat against her mouth which she quickly accepts and suckles calmly giving me chance to place it on the pillow. I pull the blanket from her bag and place it over her small figure tucking it under her legs so it doesn't fall Off. I'm quite grateful that she hasn't got a strong connection to one certain item like Louis has with that blanket. Even out of headspace he'll be able to leave that blanket.

"Come here I will take her from you now" Jenna says taking hold of the pram.

"Ok I will see you later babe" I say kissing her passionately.

Now time to go home to the mad house.

Please comment and vote for my chapters I feel like there are so many ghost readers.😂 I don't bite don't be afraid to leave ideas love you all 💝

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