Announcement (1)

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The few upcoming weeks went in the same particular order. Sophia complained, Liam worked and cared for Louis whilst managing picking and dropping off both Casey and Louis with Niall's girlfriend on occasions. However today was special for them all. They were having a family gathering to announce the news. The couple contemplated telling the young boy in private giving him time to adjust to the news but decided against it when they found the idea of keeping it a surprise a lot more fitting. As the pair rushed around the arena placing napkins and cutlery down on each table Sophie groaned in discomfort deciding to sit down on one of the spare chairs.

"Are you sure you don't want to just go get louis dressed and I'll finish up here" Liam offered sighing as the woman shook her head violently.

"I'm not an invalid Liam, I'm having a baby" she sighed regaining her standing position and continuing to fill the room.

Under the influence it was just a family gathering the pair had decided not to decorate the room to the appropriate occasion and instead chose an elegant silver design for the walls and the tables. Soon enough the last of the decorations were finished and the couple decided to leave the venue and drive over to the house to see to the children. They both entered playroom where Louis and Casey sat on opposite sides of the room entertaining themselves. It was clear Casey had already been dressed. A pretty floral pink dress with small matching converse and a dummy clip attached to the side however Louis was still sat chomping hungrily on his fist chocolate smeared all over his baby vest from the previous night.

"Hello my beautiful babies" Sophia announced walking into the room with a hand rested on her back "are you excited for the party"

"Yeah mummy, me gon' see pops and nanny" Louis smiled finally ripping his drool covered fists out his mouth and reaching out to her.

"Come here champ, let daddy hold you" Liam offered picking the small boy up by his outstretched arms before bouncing the boy in his arms.

"No daddy, no jump" he shouted sternly resting his head on Liam's shoulder pulling his Thomas themed pacifier into his mouth.

"Where's my sweet girl then" Niall strolled into the room dressed smartly in a black suit with a nice white shirt and a colourful tie.

"I'm here" she laughed looking up from her dolls "where's mummy"

"Well I think she might see us later however she has work this morning but she has asked to send a picture of you to her" he smiled placing a kiss on here forehead. "Now how about we go put you down for a nap before the party hmm"

Casey wasn't even remotely bothered she was going for a nap she embraced the time she was able to rest and nodded her head tiredly.

"Do you want me to slip her hair into two small braids so the clips don't hurt her" Sophia offered as Niall accepted happily.

She placed herself on the side of the tv stand and pulled the girl between her legs happily brushing through her thick long hair with her fingers pulling it into two neat braids. It gave her a few minutes to wonder if this is the type of things she would be doing if her and Liam had a little girl. Yes Louis' hair was long however the lad wasn't very enthusiastic when Sophia played about with his hair and often cried and whines until his hair was pushed back into his regular combover. She didn't fail to embrace the small blue eyed Boy as her own and had wondered how he would react to the news. They knew he had a jealous side, they knew he loved Sophia with all his heart so how was he going to take it that in a sense he is being pushed to the back as the new couple introduce the new baby. However Sophia knew deep in her heart that the couple would struggle dealing with Louis and the baby with the boy constantly being vulnerable in his headspace and the fact when the baby began to grow up would it confuse it when they noticed Louis acted the same permanently. She had worried about this too much for her own health so she constantly pushed it to the back of her head with the promise she would work on it when it came.

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