Baby scan

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Liam P.O.V

Today, Sophia and I are going to an important meeting, a meeting that will change our lives : today we are going to meet our baby girl ! Today I am going to the first baby scan ! No words could ever describe how happy and excited I am even with this raging hangover! Sophia is as happy as me. It's something very new and excited for me. Indeed, Sophia is lucky enough to carry our princess and even to feel her move in her stomach, so the idea of having a baby is very concrete to her. However, for me, it's a little bit abstract so, being able to see my daughter via the baby scan, is very wonderful. I'll finally see how she is !

I hope she'll be healthy... I can't imagine her being unhealthy or having a problem. I don't want to imagine that something is wrong with our daughter.

Sophia and I have decided to take Louis with us. We didn't want him to feel excluded, we want him to be included. We really want him to come with us to the baby scan because he's going to be a big brother ! That's a very important role ! I just hope he'll be happy...

"Where are we going to day little man ?" I ask Louis while dressing him.

"Um, see the baby," he answers.

"Yes !" I smile excitedly, kissing his cheeks multiples times. « Are you excited ? »

Louis nods, a little pout on his face. Well, he doesn't seem very enthusiastic. I'm a bit disappointed. In fact, yesterday, Louis was very excited to see his little sister and right now, he doesn't seem very happy. Maybe he's just stressed or maybe he doesn't really understand what a baby scan means. He's just a baby after all, this all baby thing must seem very abstract for him. Whatever. This day is a very important one and I don't want it to be ruined.

I carry Louis to the car and sit him in his car seat, giving him his favourite pacifier. Louis seems very stressed at the moment and I know that only his pacifier can calm him down.

"Are you excited sunshine ?" Sophia asks, looking Louis lovingly.

"Stressed Momma," Louis answers.

And he sure looks stressed. His eyes are puffy and red, his pacifier is bobbing miserably in his mouth.

"Why baby ?"

"You want to have a new baby," he replies.

"Lou, you'll always be our baby, our first baby ! That's an amazing role ! We became parents thanks to you !" I smile trying to make him better.

It works. Louis keeps a big smile from the house to the hospital, even singing along with the radio. Sophia smiles at me.

When we arrive to the hospital, I put Louis in his stroller and we sit in ... Stress is slowly increasing. What if our baby was not healthy ? What if there is a problem ? What if Louis's reaction is not as good as we imagine ? What if...?

"Mr and Mrs Payne ?" The doctor asks.

Our turn... It is our turn ! A few minutes more to go and then I'll meet my little princess ! My heart is beating so fast ! Sophia takes my hand in hers and I can feel her stress. She has a big smile on her face but she is also breathing heavily. She is excited just as much as me. I push my son's stroller, while he is sat in, a pacifier tucks in his mouth. I can't believe this little boy is going to be a big brother !

The doctor makes me seat in front of something which looks like a weird television. Sophia is laying on a table while Louis is on my lap, playing with my fingers.

« Watch telly ? » he asks, looking at me, pointing the screen.

« Yes love and we are going to see your baby sister, » I smile, hugging him so tightly.

Louis is watching carefully everything the doctor does on Sophia. He is nervous; such a protective baby over his Momma !

"What is he doing Daddy ?" he asks.

"Shh, we are going to see your little sister," I answer.

I don't really want to answer his questions right now. I'm just too excited and stressed to do so. The doctor applies some gel on Sophia's stomach and immediately, a beautiful image appears on the screen : our baby girl. Tears are formed in my eyes, Sophia starts crying of happiness. What a beautiful and emotional moment ! I immediately take her hand in mine and we both cry, holding each other. Louis looks kinda scared, asking himself why we are both crying.

« Daddy, Mommy, no cry, » he says. « Hurt ? »

« No baby, » Sophia smiles, « we are happy. Look, we can see your baby sister on the screen. »

Louis looks at the screen and immediately starts smiling which totally melts my heart.

« Baby sister, » he smiles.

« Yes that's your little sister, » the doctor smiles. « Do you want to hear her heart ? »

« Of course ! » Sophia and me answer.

The doctor make us hear the heart of the baby. I cry. Literally. This sound is the most beautiful sound ever. I dare everybody not to cry hearing for the first time the sound of their baby's heart. Sophia and I hold our hands hearing this. I've never been happier. Hearing this make me realize that I'm going to be a father, a father of a daughter ! What have I done to deserve such an amazing present ?

Louis stays confused and curious during the whole exam. He's asking a lot of questions to the doctor and watching the screen with lots of love and curiosity. Can't be prouder of this little guy ! He's truly a gift from heaven.

« Does she have arms ? » he asks.

« Of course she does ! » the doctor exclaims. « Do you want to see them ? »

Louis nods with a huge smile. The doctor shows Louis everything he wants to see. Louis is giggling and seems very happy, repeating this adorable sentence "my baby sister". Sophia and I are watching him with so much proudness. Our baby boy is very wise and adorable today and that can't make me happier. I just hope this isn't just a phase and that he won't be jealous.

« So, the scan is over, » the doctor says. « Your baby is completely fine, nothing is abnormal. You've got a very healthy baby girl. And an adorable baby boy. »

Louis smiles proudly. I can't help but kisses his cheek.

« I'm proud of you, » I say.

« And so is Momma ! » Sophia adds.

The doctor gives us some echography to show our family. Louis insists to hold them and watches them carefully, sitting in the stroller.

When we are going back to the house, we stop in a shop where we buy two stuff toys and a new pacifier to Louis. The huge smile he gives me when he receives his presents melts my heart and make so proud to be called his father. I could die for this smile. This smile is totally the reason for me to wake up every day.

"Daddy and Momma are so proud of you, you're our little champ, you know that ?" I smile. "We love you very much."

"Love you too Daddy and Momma," he smiles. "Happy to be your one and only baby."

"But soon, we will have another baby you know," Sophia adds with a smile.

"Will the baby live with us ?" Louis asks.

"Of course babe," I answer.

"But, no... I disagree, I am your baby, not her," Louis pouts.

Sophia and I look at each other, half amused and half scared. We need to prepare each other to live moments of happy and excited Louis and moments of jealous Louis !

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