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Sophia's point of view
I place Louis down on the changing table as he sucks on his Pacifier hungrily.

"Is mummy's little boy tired and hungry" I coo pulling off his baggy sweatpants and unbuttoning his onesie.

He just nods and lies down obligingly shifting a little when I undo the tape of his diaper. He's not been feeling himself lately he's just been very tired and clingy. Me and Liam have hardly been able to leave the room at all this week. He's been attached to my hip or sat on Liam's knee. He needs to get out of it and quick as Liam is going away soon with the lads and I'm gonna stay behind with Louis . Niall is sending Casey off to his mums and I said I will keep Louis with me. He is closer to me but he absolutely idolises Liam and I'm dreading his reaction when he sees that he's going away. It physically hurts. An aching in my chest almost.

"Mummy" Louis whimpers as I pat powder round his area.

"I know son it will be over soon eh and then you Cba have some milk and snuggle up to mummy" I say retaping a fresh diaper round his waist.

I lift him up and rub his back gently silently cooing when I feel his head press against my shoulder. The gentle sound of the pacifier bobbing is soothing even for me.

"Mhmm" Louis grumbles holding my cloth covered breast gently.

"I take it your hungry grizzle guts" I laugh moving over to the rocking chair and placing him across my lap.

I pull of my shirt and undo my bra letting Louis lean his hear back into the crevice of my arm. He stretches his legs out happily and wriggles his toes getting comfortable in my embrace.

"Is it alright if I place Casey down in the crib then" Niall asks walking in the room with a rather tired looking little girl in his arms.

"Yeah sure" I say happily letting Louis latch on quickly and suckle gently.

"What's he been like today" Niall asks me "being a bit less clingy"

"I wish Niall i haven't been able to put him down for ages. My arms have practically doubled in size. It's terrible that he's this clingy." I say honestly.

"God I know the feeling. Casey just keeps crying for no reason at all I don't know what's up and she won't tell me. Maybe their coming down with the flu or something so they are a little more vulnerable." Niall says lying Casey down in the cot placing her teddy beside her.

"God help me if any of them get the flu I can not be bothered cleaning sick up and everything." I grumble repositioning Louis onto the opposite breast with little fuss.

"Casey doesnt seem to like bonding with me much I try skin to skin she just fusses and wriggles to get down, I play with her she cries and kicks off until I move away, I sing to her and she whines I don't know what to do" Niall admits.

"You need to be firm with her, for someone in that mindset to bond with you there needs to be a clear view of who is in charge. Do not let her think she is the boss or she will never learn Niall" I say gently "Liam has made it clear with Louis from day one that he is the boss whereas I have been a little softer and i regret it now trust me"

"It's not as easy she is fragile Soph" he grumbles.

"Every child in a headspace is fragile they need a little guidance and right now I hate to say but you aren't giving her any you just let her do what she pleases" I say honestly.

Louis lets out a small squeak and pulls his mouth from my breast a little saliva running down my his chin and onto me.

"Good boy now lets get some wind up" I praise pulling him upright on my knee patting his back quickly.

When he finally releases the trapped wind a little bit of spit up makes it out his mouth which makes him whine.

"Stop it now Louis giving your mummy a hard time you go sleep like a big man and you can watch tv with uncle Niall in the morning" Niall bargains which louis shakes his head to and holds onto the hand that I am supporting him with tightly.

"Can you go get Liam so he can tuck him in please." I ask Niall.

"Sure" he says rushing out the room.

I make my way over to the changing table and find a long sleeved baby vest with no legs which he loves wearing for bed.

"Come on then monkey" I say sitting him on the table while I pull the vest over his head.

He yawns and slips his thumb into his mouth only for me to pull it out again.

"For one mummy doesnt like you sucking your thumb and two I can't get your arms in if your thumb is there so have paci" I say shoving one in his mouth.

I lean him back gently and snap the buttons of his vest and sit him back up again.

"Is daddy's little champ ready for bed" Liam asks walking into the room.

Louis' head snaps in his direction and he gurgles happily reaching his arms out to him automatically. He loves Liam to bits I find it really sweet.

"Tell daddy that you done a Lickle bit of throw up on mummy's hand" I coo tickling his stomach.

"But it's alright because mummy loves you doesn't she" Liam coos picking him up and places a wet kiss to his cheek.

Louis spits out his pacifier on the floor and reaches back out to Liam giving him a kiss back. Liam is quick to bend down and pick it up before walking over to louis' crib.

"Now where's your blankie chunk because I haven't been able to find it all day" Liam lies noticing it draped over his cot.

"Here daddy look" Louis laughs picking it up.

"Well that's good because you love your blankie don't you son" Liam says lying him down in his cot.

Louis doesn't fuss and happily stretches out sighing in content as Liam positions the blanket next to him.

"Night night sweetheart, daddy and mummy can't wait to spend all tomorrow with you" Liam says running his hands through louis' hair popping the pacifier back in his mouth.

Within seconds louis' eyes are slowly shutting so we take it as an opportunity to leave and make our way to our bedroom for a good nights rest.

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