Gender reveal

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It wasn't long before Louis was settled in the small cornered children's area with his beloved blanket and his iPad Sophia had brought in from the car. Sometimes the couple found they were more limited to doing things couples without a child could. However they found that after it more enticing when they did have time to spend with their friends.

"So now has work been going for you Amy, I heard you had a job promotion" Sophia asked sipping away at her apple juice.

"It's stressful but honestly I really enjoy the new position. I mean it gives me less time to spend with Dylan but he understands how much I enjoy bringing something to the household." She smiles back "how is your job going"

"Well obviously my job as an actress was cut short through the whole pregnancy thing but I decided to take a little side job fitting a few wedding dresses. Liam didn't really mind me having a job until after the baby was born but I like to know that we're both equal and obviously both pay our way for both kids"

"That's fair enough. There's always that fear that maybe in an argument they will say that they pay for everything I had it happen too many times when I were a stay at home mum" Amy commented "so I went out and found an amazing job"

"Speaking of which Sophia you really are glowing, your bump isn't at all visible I never would have guessed" one of the girls complimented.

"16 weeks in so I take that as a huge compliment" she smiles rubbing her belly softly.

Over on the lads table their conversation was nothing like the female one. Their talk consisted of rugby, football and beer. None Liam really had been able to take an interest in for the last few weeks however he was polite and sat occasionally adding in comments to the conversation.

"Honestly over where I was they had so many different drink bars. I think I didn't manage to spend a night sober. I woke up with an awful hangover this morning" Harry laughed "realised that I'd be seeing all you lot again it cheered me up"

"Yeah I didn't drink unlike Harry I just decided that maybe I should go and sight see. I picked up a lot of famous drawings on my travels" zayn added in.

"I don't understand your passion for drawing zayn, there's nothing wrong with a good old kickabout on a field with a net" Liam scoffed "I've been teaching Louis a few tricks, he's got about 700 bruises on his legs"

"He marks easily anyways it's not football that does that" Harry intervened "he could fall over and probably break a bone.

"Anyways I didn't really ask what are you hoping baby will be" Niall asked "rooting for another lad are you"

"Not saying I wouldn't be happy with either gender but I'm quite excited if we have a girl. The whole learning how to braid hair, cute dresses all that stuff I just want to be able to do. I know I do most of that with Casey but she's not mine it's different"

"Louis' not yours but you treat him like it" someone says from across the table.

"Louis is just as much mine as the new fucking baby is ok. I took on the role to care for him therefore he is mine and Sophia's, got any problems please fuck off and leave" Liam seethes "just because he's not mine by blood doesn't mean he's not by heart"

"And what happens when you have a real life and want to go places with your child. How are you even going to manage slotting Louis into that too" someone else snidely comments.

"See that boy over there" Liam points to louis as he happily plays with a jigsaw puzzle with Liam's older sister "he has the same mindset as a baby, you hear that a baby. There's ways when we struggle we can bring him out of headspace but for now we are rather content with him being the way he is"

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