1 week later

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3rd person
"Can someone please stop him from sticking his hands in his mouth I don't like him doing it" Sophia says rushing in the Kitchen Casey attached to her hip.

Casey at the moment was going through a rather clingy stage and would not settle unless Sophia was in sight and in physical form somewhere near her. It was rather annoying for Sophia as she wanted to bond with Louis and at the moment she can't because Casey is in the way. Niall had banged on at her about attempting to breastfeed her one night to settle her down and Sophia was having none of it. She was only here for Lou he is the one she is supposed to be looking after. Niall took on the role to look after Casey so Sophia showed no remorse when Niall was left to deal with a screaming child. Louis however had settled in more and more. It was becoming clear his actions were more childlike day by day.

"Your bed is broke princes I haven't got a clue how so you will have to share with Louis just for tonight and we will fix it tomorrow" Niall says kissing Casey's nose.

She groans and kicks her feet on the floor angrily. She hated Louis with a passion ever since she realised how much she wanted a mummy. Just Niall wasn't enough for her anymore she craved more and she wasn't able to get it with Lou there. She also felt furious that Sophia had placed her down on the toy mat to pick Louis up just to playfully warn him about eating his fingers which only got a smile back and she was more than happy.

"Let's get you both to bed then" Niall says picking her up and rubbing her back softly.

Casey hated to admit it but her daddy had a magic touch which always made her sleepy when she least wanted to be. Her head makes contact with his shirt as she fights to keep her eyes open.

Carey's point of view
I watch over daddy's shoulder as Liam kisses Louis' nose gently and Sophia laughs along. There is no denying I am jealous it would be stupid to try. Why does stupid Louis have to get all the attention when I am the girl. Why does Sophia want a stinking boy and not a pretty girl like me.

"Make sure to give him plenty of milk he didn't eat much at dinner just kept on spilling down his chin" Liam laughs.

"Fee Fee" I lisp deliberately trying to get her attention.

"Come on then darling let's get you all snuggled up in bed" She says bopping Louis' nose completely ignoring me.

I don't know the feeling which I am feeling right now but it makes a tear come from my eye. Does she not like me or something.

"Why are you crying for again sweetie" Daddy sighs patting my back gently managing to get up a bit of wind. "Guessing that was bothering you Hun."

I just nod lightly and burrow my face into his neck. The utter rejection from my old daddies has pulled me further into a more needy headspace and I don't know how to get out of it. I want love and affection all the time. I wasn't like this with my old daddies so why am I now.

"I think both of them need to go to bed seeing as Louis is literally sleeping on your shoulder and Casey is just getting fussy." Liam says looking at me.

Sophia's point of view
I run my hands over Louis' now soft hair and smile. He's just perfect in every way. It's impossible to have my life this perfect usually.

"Uggh" Casey wriggles in Nialls arms reaching out for me.

"No I have Louis" I say firmly making her retreat into nialls chest.

May seem a little harsh but she needs to understand she cannot depend upon me as I am not her carer Niall is and she needs to get used to that. The last thing they want is me barging in and ruining the bond they are starting to develop.

Part 2 coming soon

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