Bumps and scratches

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Liam's point of view
With Louis being so sensitive, leaving the cuisine had become a bit of a problem. His refusal to do almost anything that required him to be away from us had become frustrating by now and I sighed intensely as I strapped a crying posie into the car. With media and press being so close it's kind of annoying that both children are choosing to act up, it being faultless to both of them but I still find my anger increasing. Louis is just kicking and thrashing against Sophia's arms outside the car and I'm pretty certain they've already taken pictures of the interaction between them.

"Louis, I promise you hit your mother one more time in your silly little tantrums and I'll hit you" I warn.

In a literal sense it is just a threat however to Louis he registers it a little more literally and flinches away from Sophia lying down fully on the floor. Maybe giving such a brutal past I shouldn't be using violence as a threat but in the heat of the moment there wasn't much else I could do.

"I'll sort baby and you get Lou" Sophia offers rubbing across the arch of my back with her thumb soothing me slightly.

It isn't a draining physical problem to lift Louis from the floor and shove him harshly in his chair, it's the combination of the pair screaming that is doing my head in. Sophia is desperately trying to goad a pacifier in posie's mouth which she occasionally sucks before spitting back and out and screaming whilst I try Louis with a bottle, even though he'd recently had one. It's hard to figure out a child's tantrums mainly for them not being vocal about the problem so for the two of us it's a hard task to manage.

"Louis just please boo, you really need to stop doing that" I sigh giving him a bunny from the box behind my seat.

It's convenient to carry toys in the box because of course now Louis is becoming more aware of sharing he often shows posie the toys and she tries to move her hands to them. It's a small achievement at her small age but me and Sophia are still extremely proud of her.

"We should probably head over to your mums" Sophia smiles "she's been sorting some baby outfits out for posie and I'd love to get them sooner than later"

"I suppose we could, it's just going to be busy on a weekend" I sigh.

"Louis could always just stay in the car whilst I run in" she offers "he doesn't seem too happy about being refrained though"

"He can come in with us but just stick him in a stroller" I look to him as he finally settles grabbing a pacifier from the cup holder.

His teeth are slightly cracking now due to moulding around it but I don't think about it as I climb into the drivers seat satisfied both children are content. It's not thrilling Louis isn't engaging in conversation because sometimes I have good talks with him but he just seems withdrawn and tired occasionally smiling through the mirror up at me.

"How's daddy's baby then" I finally turn back at a red light to see him smiling widely.

"Hungry" he giggles "mummy milk"

"Don't think she's got none left champ" I sigh "you can have snacks when we get to nanny's"

"Don't want to hold them" he whines "tired"

"I bet baby, your little tantrum worn us all out" Sophia laughs.

"Posie fell asleep daddy" he said simply ignoring Sophia.

I don't think he meant it intentionally but he's completely disregarding Sophia from the conversation and is just acting as if it's the two of us so I offer a supportive smile to Sophia before continuing.

"I can hold them for you boo" I offer "just wait for a while before we get there"

"Nanny plays rockets with me" he smiles "and gives me pennies"

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