Meeting the family

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The night had been rough for the full family, Louis waking 3 times from nightmare along with the the feeds posie had been waiting for almost eagerly every time Louis had gone to sleep. Liam was most affected by the mixed night routine, seeing as he'd offered to tend to both his children's needs all night so when the morning arose Sophia left him in bed as she sat both the children in the living room, posie asleep and Louis clambering for attention while she ironed their outfits for the day.

"Louis, please just sit down baby" Sophia sighed "mummy has to iron yours and posie's outfits"

"Please hold me mumma" he crumbled carelessly holding his arms up.

With a reluctant sigh she lifted the boy from the settee and single handedly ran the iron over the boys t shirt, smoothing any creasing it had from the radiator when drying. Luckily enough, all posies outfits were new so it was quick to easily smooth out the creases there and she placed them over the board as she ran her hands up louis' back.

"I bet you're so tired hey babe" she sighed "what's with all these nightmares"

"Don't want you and daddy to leave" he murmured "in my dreams you keep leaving"

"Baby, we ain't going nowhere" she looked at him with deep sympathy "we'll always be right here"

"I know" he whispered "can't help it though"

"Nobody said you could baby" Sophia cooed "why not have a cuddle for 20 mins on the sofa before we wake daddy up hmm"

"Can we mummy" he asked hopefully "just me and you"

"Of course baby" she chuckled "let me put the ironing supplies away and then i will be right back"

With that Louis hesitantly let go as she scampered around the room, placing their clothes over a nearby chair and pulling a pacifier chain from the table before taking it to him.

"You like this one don't you baby" she soothed "now come here then"

She knew fine well how the boy would want to lie and she didn't take long before propping her head up on the cushions lying flat on her back as Louis innocently crawled on top and lay his head on her chest.

"You haven't had a feed for a while have you" Sophia looked at him with hesitation "do you fancy one"

Louis looked up, eyes opening in confusion. It had been ages since he'd been offered something like this and he'd honestly yearned for it for months now, so the fact he was being offered it was something he celebrated as he nodded his head happily. It wasn't long before he'd got the hangs of things once again and he lay content staring at the cartooned programme as he suckled happily. Sophia was overjoyed by his response and the closeness she felt when nursing him. It gave her the perfect opportunity to indicate his mood and feelings just by his heartbeat and was pleased by his slow and steady heartbeat. He was content and that's all she'd wanted for him so now having him lay back in her arms while her other baby lay content and asleep was lovely for her.

"Hi babe" Liam groaned entering the room rubbing his bed hair, in attempt to smooth it down.

"Morning sweetheart" she smiled leaning up a little to peck him quickly before leaning back and holding onto Louis' back for support.

"Can I get her out" Liam asked hopefully staring at their baby girl who lay asleep, clutching hold of her blanket.

The pair encouraged pacifiers for her in a hope she could possibly self soothe but it was obvious all she kept doing was rejecting them so they'd resorted to just keeping one as a backup and even from the hospital yesterday Louis had taken one of posies pacifier for his own.

"I mean, I'm not too sure if you would want to hold her and potentially wake her up which might actually be a good thing considering we are meant to be meeting the boys for lunch in around an hour" Sophia looked at him.

"Who" Liam asked curiously.

He hadn't been aware they had plans today and was confused on who she meant by the boys.

"Harry, Niall and potentially Zayn if he gets back in time, I did send him a message for an invite now and harry flew back over yesterday morning, I was on call to him when you had taken Louis to bed last night."

"It will be nice to get us all back together" he admitted "would be nice for them to be aware of louis' progress"

"They all are really excited to see Louis actually" she smiled "and also can't wait to see our baby girl"

"I bet they can't, she's bloody adorable" he smiled finally lifting her from the chair and holding her to his chest.

She let out a soft wail which barely echoed the room and had no effect on Louis who lay content on Sophia's chest now entertained by a pacifier as he mindlessly stared up at Liam. It was true he was overly tired but he didn't want to admit it in fear Sophia would place him in bed so he fought desperately to keep his eyes open which failed everytime his eyes had blurred whilst staring at Liam as he fussed over posie.

Sophia's point of view
Once I had noticed Louis was settled, I looked up in adoration at Liam as he placed the baby on the table and began to start changing her. He seemed a natural at it and I couldn't help but smile as he took care of my baby. Her outfit was particular for the day and I couldn't help but coo at how adorable she looked with it on. I don't want to risk her wearing bows just yet, so we both bargained on a beautifully knitted baby hat with a matching cardigan as he sat down on the opposite settee and lay her across his knees. She truly did look tiny and I keep forgetting she's actually mine, the impact of me looking after Louis clearly confusing my maternal instincts to an actual baby size. Speaking of Louis I hadn't heard him move for a while so I curved my neck to see he was indeed sleeping. It was highly unlucky that the top I was wearing he'd managed to drool on so the outfit I planned to wear for the day was now ruined but I smiled through it and lifted him sitting him on my knee as his head flopped lazily into my side.

"He must be so tired" I sigh "I wish we could stop all these nightmares, they're sending him insane"

"What he needs is reassurance" Liam agrees "that's all we can do"

"I know" I  groan carefully lying him on the sofa before removing his sleeper.

Just this morning I had read up on swaddling and seen that it could potentially offer a baby a sense of security and believer we could probably try it with Louis tonight as a test for us to see if it could be a cure for his nightmares. For now I had to focus on the task in hand and dragging his heavy weight limbs around while he dozed deeply was quite hard and his arms flopped dramatically when I let them go once his t shirt was on.

The weather was nice but I didn't want to dress both children according to the weather for it to change suddenly and not have a back-up. Not that it necessarily mattered however Louis would be presented more to the outside world so his appearance had to be taken into consideration a little more than posies had to be right now. In all honesty, I'm quite nervous about stepping into the public eye with posie for the first time. I hope they don't start being too invasive because the last thing I want is Louis being upset and to have my newborn baby bothered by a bunch of paparazzi unaware of children's privacy. Since the transformation, the manager of the band had managed to secure a deal with press to make sure louis wouldn't be pictured in any form in the outside environment and up to now 3 different firms had been sued for going against this rule.

"Why is he so messy" I grin wiping the sweat from his forehead before lying him on the sofa, grabbing his blanket from close by and placing it in his arms.

It was scary how much of an attachment he had formed with the blanket and she had began to worry he might never be able to part but she didn't have it in her to take the only source of comfort he sometimes had.

"Will Casey be coming today" Liam asked.

"Yeah of course, so will Jenna. Apparently she's started calling her mummy"

That's all I want to be honest. For us to end up in a position like Niall and Casey's. They are most adorable in honesty and their relationship with Casey is equally as cute and important as mine and Liam's once was. But for now, my babies are my main priority and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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