Ayano Aishi : Part 2

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This chapter is Ayano's perspective of everything that's happened. Enjoy!

When I woke up on the first day of my 2nd year, I was pretty hyped!

Last year, I was obsessed with an upper-class man, a Taro Yamada. I'd stalked him, watched him, KILLED FOR HIM. But at the end of the year, I realized that he'd never notice me. He'd ran off with a bunch of other girls, and he'd never given me an ounce of attention. He hadn't even looked at me. I was torn. SHATTERED. I collapsed on the ground and cried. Howled. I couldn't get up. Or move. I just sat on the ground in front of the cherry tree behind school for HOURS, crying my heart out. But after I stopped, I realized what I was doing. I was so in love with Taro that I'd spent the whole year obsessing over just him!!! I found it ridiculous. I was so embarrassed with myself. I'd killed so many people over some boy...

I wanted to do something with the rest of the school year that was helpful. Just to be forgiven for spending almost my entire 1st year killing people. I decided that to be forgiven of killing the people of Akedemi, I would PROTECT the people of Akedemi! Seems logical. I decided to try standing by the school gate for the time before class, so if anyone tried anything, I would stop them!

One day, I noticed someone suspicious hanging around the front gates. The gym teacher had to run some errands, so I was by myself. As he approached, I noticed he had a knife! I hid by the front gates, waiting for my chance to catch him. He approached the school. There was my chance! I sprung out of hiding and tackled him to the ground, grabbing the knife.

But I...failed

He managed to get on top of me, and pinned me down. He mangled the knife out of my hand. I struggled, but I was too...weak. He stabbed me all over. I screamed for help. Some teachers and students helped me. They were able to retain the boy and get me to the hospital.

People told me I was a hero. That without me, so many students would have been killed. That people would've been murdered if I hadn't tried to stop him. But I wasn't even good enough to stop him! I distracted him for 5 minutes. If he'd covered my mouth while he stabbed me, my "trying" wouldn't have done shit!

I used to be pretty strong . I lost all that strength when I gave up on Senpai and stopped training so hard. I had to get stronger, fast. So, I joined the martial arts club, where I met Budo! I will admit, I didn't like him at first. I thought it was annoying how he just shouted at us during club activities, and I found him annoying. But once you get used to it, he's pretty cool to hang out with. Plus, he helped me get over Senpai, which was awesome!!! For the remainder of the school year, we hung out a lot. People thought we were dated, which really annoyed Mina Rai. But we weren't dating, so I just ignored her.

One day, near the end of the year, Mina walked up to me in Martial Arts.

"I heard you've been hanging out with Budo-senpai alot lately!" she says triumphantly. Info-chan says she prides herself for knowing things. Seems like she was right.

"So what? We're just friends. Nothing more." I responded gently. I didn't want to get mad.


Well, this wasn't going to be fair

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Well, this wasn't going to be fair. Mina was a black-belt, and I was a green. But she called me a slut! NO ONE CALLS YAN-CHAN A SLUT!!! "YOU'RE ON!" I yelled.

We got into positions. Mina started with a kick to my face, which I dodged. Lucky, since her signature move is a kick that's so powerful, it could rip the training dummy's head off! I went with a punch, since my leg was a bit weaker. She instantaneously blocked it, and got a punch off my face. I fell down. I was lucky that her hand was weaker then her leg, so I didn't complain. I tried to spring back up, but she kicked my chest down, which felt like I'd eaten raw fire. I fell down again, and it hurt like hell. I decided to use my emergency use. It brought me shame, but I had to.

I kicked her in the...er...vaheen. A/N: coff* vagina* coff

She immediately fell down in pain, hands over her vaheen. She looked sick. I got up, hands over my chest. I started walking away, but Mina had other plans. She got up, pushed me down, and covered my mouth with some duct tape. She climbed on top of me, and tried punching my face, which I dodged to the best of my ability. She then got the katana that was on display in the corner and started walking over to me. I sighed and reviewed my options:

I was too weak to walk, so running away would be stupid. She'd gotten a few good punches off my face: one eye was so swollen that I couldn't see, so fighting back would be pointless. 50% of my punches would miss. I could try yelling for help, but the duct tape was strong, and my arms were practically paralyzed, since she'd kicked me so much. Plus, she duct-taped them together as well. Someone like her wouldn't leave loose ends. I suppose I could try kicking her again, but she would stab me regardless. In fact, kicking her would ensure a long and painful death. I couldn't hide, since I was sitting right by the closed door to the club.

I figured my best option was to accept my death. If there was no struggle, there would be less pain. Maybe she'd be generous enough to end my life with one, quick stab to the heart. Oh, who was I kidding? When I was the yandere, I made sure my rivals were killed slowly and painfully. Stupid karma.

I sat there in the corner, ready to face my death. Mina walked over to me, stroking my face.

"Oh, Ayano-chan...what will Budo say when he finds out some MONSTER killed you? He'll be heartbroken...and you? Oh, you'll be dead. Killed by some random chick in the cooking club who made the food today. Poor, poor Ayano. And who will comfort my Budo-senpai? Of course, his kohai will! I'll be there, by his side." Mina stroked my face, holding the katana. "This katana? It was used by an old master who protected royals. It ensure a painful death. I suppose a quick stab in the knee is good. How about a stab in the vaheen? Yes, it ensues pain, and lots of it. I'll leave you by the incinerator, where you can bleed out the little bit of life you'll have left."

I was terrified. A stab in the vaheen sounded awful. And framing the cooking club? Ever since I gave up on Senpai, the cooking club has become my friend! Almost everyone at school was my friend! I didn't want them to be framed!!!


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