Innocent : Part 5

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Ugggh, having such a HUGE writer's block! I hope this chapter lives up to people's expectations. Plus, I'm still pretty dizzy from a visit from a friend. And if anyone out there wants to do arts and crafts, STAY AWAY FROM SLIME!!! It got everywhere, and even on my new jacket which sucked. Plus, detergent SLIME made me super dizzy. I almost barfed. Oh well. Enjoy! :]

When I make it to class, my math teacher, Ms.Hamaka, scolds me for being so close-cut.

"Taro Yamada! You were too close to being late! You must arrive earlier!" She says strictly

"I'm sorry, miss. I promise to do better" I say, bowing. I really should watch out. If I'm not a model student here, my parents will move me to another school. They want to to be an exemplary student, not a student who's considered a hoodlum. If I moved, my darling Angel would be alone and I can't have that! Ayano-angel is in the math class with me, so I enjoy staring at her face. Then suddenly, a teacher bolts in and tells Ms.Hamaka something, and they both look horrified.

Ms.Hamaka tells us to report to the school's courtyard. I already know what this is about, but I act surprised and confused. But like all the others, I go down. I make sure I'm standing behind my lovely goddess so that I can watch her. If she trips, I will catch her and make sure she's safe. If she got hurt, there'd be no one to blame but me.

The class arrives at the courtyard, where all the other classes are already there. Some policemen are in the middle of the yard near the fountain, one holding a microphone.
They look very, very serious. Everyone else looks very confused and concerned.

"Who here knew Haruto Yuto? They ask. A few people raise their hands. I do,too. If I was going to remain innocent, I had to make sure that I wouldn't be accused.
They led me to an empty storage room with a table and 2 chairs. They start interrogating.

"How did you know Haruto?" A policeman asks
"He was a friend. Not best, but we'd talk and hang out." I reply. "Why?"
"He's dead" they say "stabbed with a knife". Haha yeah totally used a knife.
"Oh no!" I say, faking tears. "He was a good person". I try acting sorry, but it's near impossible. He was a bad person for trying to steal Ayano from me!

The police continued to interrogate me, and I acted as confused and sad and innocent as possible. They all agreed it wasn't me. I guess my acting skills weren't half bad. I got to go home.

Ayano's POV

When I got into the courtyard, all I saw were cops. They were everywhere! I saw all my friends comforting Yui Rio in the corner. I rushed over immediately. Kokona greeted me, relieved.

"Thank god you came Ayano! We were worried for you!" she says nervously

"W-what?! Why were you worried?" I asked. I had no idea why they'd be worried!

"H-h-haruto is...passed." she says sadly. Yui gives a loud sob in the corner. Saki and Musume try to comfort her again. Oh, that's why Yui's crying! She and Haruto just started dating, but Yui had liked him for a really long time!

 Oh, that's why Yui's crying! She and Haruto just started dating, but Yui had liked him for a really long time!

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"Oh, Yui! I'm so so so sorry! Are you...okay?" I ask cautiously. Yui was always the "evil-sided" one, and if I upset her, she might hurt me! She looks at me sadly, face red. She doesn't look very mad, more sad.

"NO! NO I'M NOT OK!!! HARUTO HAS DIED! AND HE'S NOT COMING BACK!! J-JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" she yells. Me and the rest of the social butterflies run away.


The police interrogation was scary. They took me to the cooking club table with the social butterflies and interrogated us all together, since we were all basically deemed innocent. Plus, they knew Yui needed our support.

They asked us random, mindless questions, like "who did he know?" "did he have enemies" "did he have a girlfriend?". The last question really hit Yui hard, and she didn't stop crying for the rest of the interview. They told us to bring her home and keep and eye on her, since she was going through a LOT! If this happened to Budo, I know I'd want company. Me, Kokona, and Saki volunteer to stay with her at her house.

Yui took us to her house. It wasn't anything particular on the outside. Just a normal home.

On the inside, however, was much different.

The home had a red theme, and had devil plush all over. There were pictures of people we knew Yui didn't like on the wall. The pictures were covered in darts. It was kind of scary. I already knew that Yui lived alone- her parents had disowned her because of her evil beliefs. But, she'd done pretty good in court, winning 8M of her parent's large fortune. That's how she afforded everything, including the Akedemi tuition.

She went in, and went to her bedroom and locked the door. We heard crying, but didn't know what to do. In the end, me and Kokona made green tea- Yui's favorite!- and Saki made some dumplings. We left them out on a tea tray and left.

At home, I recalled how Yui's sad face had looked. I couldn't bear it! What if the same happened to Kokona's boyfriend, Riku Soma, or Saki's boyfriend, Sora Sosuke?

I couldn't let that happen!

I decided to start a crime solving club, to help investigate crimes and Akedemi. I texted the girls about it, and everyone but Yui responded with yes!

I'm super excited!

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