Sushi and Tea : Part 26

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The cover is my personal favorite of this series. Thanks for reading and comment down below if you enjoyed!

Ayano's POV
After the first class with Aiko, I decided to ask if she wanted to eat lunch with me and the social butterflies. She eagerly nodded, and smiled at me. I smiled back. She wasn't half bad! Why was everyone so scared?

The social butterflies and me and Akihito now ate lunch on the grass of the school courtyard. It wasn't the fanciest, but it was fun! As me and Aiko walked there, everyone was wincing and trying to avoid us. I felt really bad for Aiko. She looked a bit sad. Making friends would definitely help her!

When I got there, I noticed something strange. Usually, we sit in a large circle and place our bentos in front of us. Today, someone was in my place, and a bento was placed in front of her. I frown. Aiko looks at me uncertainly. I shrug it off. Maybe it was another one of those desperate people seeking popularity. As I walk closer, I notice that everyone's acting as if nothing is wrong. It's until they see Aiko that they stop talking.

"Umm..who's in my spot?" I ask.

"Oh! This is YOUR spot? Sorry! I'll move! Let's go, Aki!" the girl says. Akihito nods, and follows the girl to the other side of the circle. What? Why did Aki listen to that girl?

"Umm...well...anyways! Guys, this is Aiko! Aiko, that's Musume, Kokona, Saki, Koharu, Yui, Mina, Akihito, and...I don't know you." I stop, pointing at the strange new girl.

"I'm Mai Waifu. Nice to meet you." she says cooly. I shrug, but on the inside, I want to scream at her. How dare she come here and claim my spot and take Akihito as a prisoner of some sort!?

Me and Aiko sit down, and the circle is silent for a good 10 minutes, until Saki reaches out and opens her bento. We usually don't eat until everyone arrives. I guess we were too distracted to notice that everyone was here. We stare at Saki.

"What?! I'm hungry!" she whines.

Suddenly, everyone breaks out in laughter. Even Aiko! I smile. For the rest of lunch, everything is perfectly normal! Kokona and Yui and Musume even tried talking to Aiko! I still don't like that Mai girl, but I talk to her anyways. Just to be polite.

Mai's POV
I can feel Ayano is uncomfortable with me.

Aiko's POV
I can tell Ayano is trying her best to fit me in with her friends. And it's actually working! Everyone acts as if I am normal for a bit. Then, class starts, and everyone's staring at me again. Great.

Anyways, during lunch, I noticed something was wrong. Specifically, the Mai girl was acting strange. What was up with her? She would quickly look over at Akihito randomly, then turn away and look at Ayano. Ayano is my friend! I will not let a girl like Mai do anything to her!

I know! I will spy on Mai! Info-chan tells me Ayano is the owner of the crime club, but they're mostly inactive now, since the deaths were such a long time ago, that they have nothing to discuss! The meetings are now mostly sushi-and-tea parties. Fun!

Oh! And did I mention Info-chan is my cousin?

Which means I could get all the info I want...

And control what others get about ME...

My cousin says I'm about to have a stalker. Let's see how this plays out, shall we?

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