Blue Roses : Part 18

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While Ayano and Akihito have their moment, they don't notice the slim black figure hiding behind the corner spying on them...

Taro's POV

Another rival? UGHH! My goddess is very pretty, but must other boys lust for her?!?

This is gonna take some time...

He's been raised to be strong, according to Info-chan. And I'm a bit weak. I was only able to get Satoshi by surprise, and I still got pretty beat. In fact, I was almost beat! If he'd just gotten one more hit...

Fortunately, it seems as if this Akihito made my Ayano forget all about Satoshi! That's good. If she mourned a lot, then she'd be sad all the time. And when she becomes my wife, I want her to be happy. And mine.

Ayano's POV


Akihito invited me to lunch at a new cafe in Shisuta Town, called "Moonbeam Cafe". And get this! The press called it "the most romantic cafe EVER!!!!" I can't wait!!!!

Musume-chan said that I could borrow her makeup, and Kokona and Saki offered to do the makeup for me (cuz I tried once and failed miserably)! Plus, Koharu and Yuna surprised me with the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Attached to a blue plastic hairband was 2 beautifully crafted blue roses made of silk and felt!

Musume-chan said that I could borrow her makeup, and Kokona and Saki offered to do the makeup for me (cuz I tried once and failed miserably)! Plus, Koharu and Yuna surprised me with the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Attached to a blue plast...

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"It's just a little something for helping us through Mei's...passing" Koharu said bashfully. I carefully tried it on, and it was...STUNNING. I hope Akihito likes it~

Class went by like a blur. Why? Because Akihito himself was in my class!!!

I could've stared at him forever, but my sensei had other ideas...

"Miss Aishi! What's the answer for number seven?!" She exclaimed. I quickly snapped out of my Akihito trance and glanced at my textbook.
"Umm.....thirty-two?" I murmur. Miss Akiko was known for giving detentions left and right. If I got this wrong, my date could be cancelled! Miss Akiko checked her book to see if I was correct.

"Good job, Miss Aishi! I thought you weren't paying attention!" She compliments. I let out a breath of relief. Koharu, who is also in my class, does the same. Me and Akihito are the new best ship within the social butterflies, and they're all hoping that this date turns out well!

I hope Akihito didn't notice that!

Akihito's POV
Hahaha! That was really cute!
Ayano is definitely my type! She's cute, smart, funny...and she acts as if I don't notice her staring at me! Rin would like her.
(A/N If you don't get the reference, look at the character models for Akihito.

Something's a bit off about Akedemi, however. The students are constantly watching their backs. I saw Ayano, out of nowhere, jump and look behind her, as something was gonna happen to her. I tried to act as if I didn't see that, but she just blushed and bashfully sat down. I wonder why she did that....

I saw her wear a blue rose headband. I love blue roses! She knows me so well~

When the lunch-bell rang, I sneaked out of school. Thankfully, my past turned me into a sly fox, and the gym teacher didn't even notice me! I ran down to Shisuta Town as fast as I could, and headed straight for the town's flower boutique. Something that immediately caught my eye was a beautiful bouquet of blue roses. So, I snatched them up and headed for the cashier.

"20 yen" the cashier said merrily. "Those for a girl you like?" she asked.

"Y-y-yeah..." I stutter, handing her the money.

As I exit, I swear I saw a dark shadow behind the flower display....

Taro's POV
So they have a date planned, eh?
I'm gonna make sure that there won't be a second date...

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