Character Profile : Satoshi Saro

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Disclaimer: None of the pictures used in the story are mine since I suck xC

Background Info:

Satoshi Saro is Ayano's very best friend! He was her childhood friend and provided her company when her parents didn't let her out of the house for the first 10 years of her life by climbing through her window when they thought her parents weren't there, which was almost everyday. Despite their efforts, Ayano's parents have always known about Satoshi and Ayano's friendship, but they do not care. He had moved away but very recently moved back to Shisuta Town and is planning to attend Akedemi High, knowing Ayano is there. After he moved, he never wanted to make another friend, but is very likable and charming.

Full Name: Satoshi Saro

Birthday: April 26, 1998 (Making him 18)

Hair colour: White-grey

Eye colour: Bright blue

Crush: Ayano Aishi

Personality: Fun-loving and lighthearted! He's also very charming, making him seductive and popular with the ladies. He's very handsome!

Strength: Satoshi is incredibly strong, even more than Budo! He is one of Japan's best martial artists.

Best Friend: No doubt, Ayano! And Ayano thinks of him like this too!

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