.Alone At Last.

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I don't even have an excuse to have not updated for like 2 months...sorry guys! I just kinda got less interested in the topic buT IM STILL GONNA UPDATE THIS. Also wish me luck cuz regents are in the next week (kinda why i haven't updated since i have asian parents). Thanks for waiting ever so diligently for my lazy arse UwU

Ayanos POV

I woke up with a pounding in my head and bright light filling my eyes. Everything ached and my throat was as dry as the desert. I looked around.

Taro was sleeping on a chair next to me. His hair was messy and to be honest, he didn't smell great. But who was I to complain? I probably smelled like medicine and detergent.

Around me were bouquets of flowers, mostly wilted. I spotted a bunch that I presumed were from Aiko. I smiled, remembering our sleepover. It'd been a while since I'd spoken to her, being so preoccupied with all of the death happening around me. I missed her.

I missed my old life.

I missed the life where I was the stalker, the murderer, the one who was unfazed.

I missed the life where I didn't care about anyone's feelings and only looked to please myself.

I missed the life where I could keep to myself and not look weird.

I missed the life where nothing was on my shoulders. I watched the world around me fall apart as I killed everyone in my path and felt nothing as I saw the parents and friends of my victims cry and vow to avenge them.

But at the same time, I love my life.

I love my new friends who stick by my side.

I love having all these relationships.

I love feeling feelings, something I'd yearned for since I was young.

I love having shoulders to cry on. Having people to laugh with. Having support on whatever I decided to do.

Taro was the murderer of Akedemi now. There was no questioning it. Every nerve in my body told me to avoid him, but I couldn't.

Because I'd been in his place.

I don't know if his motives were the same as mine. I don't know if he loves me or not, or if he was just some sadistical moron.

I don't know how to feel.

But it didn't matter because he chose that moment to wake up.

Taro's POV

I'd slept next to Ayano's unconscious body every day. It was my fault she was like this, and I wouldn't leave until I could confirm she was okay.

This time though, when I woke up, her eyes were open and slightly squinting, as if she was deep in thought. It didn't matter though.

"AYANO!" I exclaimed with delight. "YOU'RE AWA-"

"Taro," she said calmly.

Then I realized that she knew.

Knew that I shot her. Knew that I'd killed her friend. Knew that I'd lied and blamed this all on one big freak accident.

I also knew I was screwed.

I expected her to scream. To cry. To shake me and ask why. To run as far as she could.

But she didn't.

She looked at me with a look.

A look as if she understood.

Alone At Last ~AyanoxTaroWhere stories live. Discover now