A New Perspective : Part 22

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Taro's POV
This is SO frustrating!

I'm trying to think of ways to eliminate Akihito, but all ways seem impossible!

Akihito is even stronger than Satoshi was! And I BARELY beat Satoshi! So how can I do this?

Drowning? No, he'd probably win the struggle and drown ME!
Plain murder? No, he'd probably grab the knife from me and kill ME!
Electrocution? No, his schedule shows no opportunities.
A push off the roof? He never goes on the roof!

I was fresh out of ideas. I sighed, than checked my photo gallery. YES! I had 2 spare panty shots!

I sent one of them to Info-chan, with the caption NEED ELIMINATION METHOD!!!
She replied 3 minutes later. Here's our conversation!

Info: How about a non-harming method?
Me: That's no fun...
Info: But quick and bloodless
Me: Alright! What is it?
Info: Matchmaking.
Me: Huh?
Info: See this girl?

Me: Yea, what about her?Info: She secretly likes Akihito

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Me: Yea, what about her?
Info: She secretly likes Akihito. Her name is Mai Waifu. If you tempt her, she'll confess her feelings. And since Ayano doesn't consider Akihito as a boyfriend yet, this is your chance!
Me: But Akihito likes Ayano!
Info: Yes, but with a bit of convincing, he can change his mind ;)
Me: How?
Info: If Mai got close to him, and she confesses, he has to say yes!
Me: Alright!!! But, Mai is so shy! How will she talk to Aki?
Info: That's where you come in! I offer a headset you can use to communicate with Mai for the low price of one panty shot!
Me: Fabulous

 And since Ayano doesn't consider Akihito as a boyfriend yet, this is your chance!Me: But Akihito likes Ayano!Info: Yes, but with a bit of convincing, he can change his mind ;)Me: How?Info: If Mai got close to him, and she confesses, he has to say...

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Info: Ok. It will be located in your locker tomorrow.
Me: Ok.

Great! And without the bloody, messy clean-up!

Next morning, I notice something in my boxer-drawer. Some of my boxers have little labels saying things like "compliment-boost" and "seduction-bonus". I find a pair that says "matchmaking-bonus", and put them on. For good luck!

When I get to school, I rush to and eagerly open my locker. As promised, a pair of radio-transmitter headphones and an ear-piece sit in my locker. I grin, then sprint to Mai Waifu.

"Mai! Hi! Is there anything you need help with?" I ask, knowing i need to gain her trust.

"Errr....yea...you're...Taro, right? Y-you're in my...class. I know you're the t-top student...and I n-need help...Will you study with me...for the math test?" She says nervously.

"Yeah, sure! How about today after school in the library?" I say, trying to sound cheerful.

"Y-yeah,that works....ok...see you there..."She says, and then leaves. I smile. Trust, here I come!

Akihito's POV
I can't believe what happened yesterday! I wonder if she considers me as her boyfriend now. I hope so!

Apparently, she didn't tell the social butterflies, because they talk to me normally. I frown. This usually means she doesn't have feelings for me. I go up to her and tap her on the shoulder.

"Oh! Hello Akihito!" She says happily.

"Err....can I talk to you? Privately?" I manage to say. Her smiles fades,but she nods and follows me into a hallway.

"Ummm...did you tell them about...er...yesterday?" I ask

"What??Oh! No, I didn't. I assume yesterday was out of the moment? Don't worry, this doesn't affect our friendship." She says. Then, she just walks back out.

O-our friendship!??!? So this is the infamous friend zone

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O-our friendship!??!? So this is the infamous friend zone. It feels lonely. I really thought she liked me! I KNOW she likes me!!! I have to keep trying!!!

Taro's POV
Studying with Mai was the most boring thing in the world.
She just wanted to review equations over and over and over again.
When I studied with my friends, we would joke around and laugh and talk. Mai did NONE of that. She didn't even talk very much! I had to remind myself many times that this was for
Ayano-angel, and that I NEEDED to do this!!!

When it was finally done, I was sooo relieved. Apparently, so was Mai.

"T-thank you s-s-so much Taro! I-If you ever need a-anything, just t-tell me!" she says happily.

"I will Mai, believe me!" I reply with a grin on my face.

I will....

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