Dark Room : Chapter 33

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Ayano's POV

Where am I? A...cage? Wherever I am, it's very dark. And very, very sad smelling. Weird. I can't see a thing! I try to scream, but I realize my mouth is taped. So are my hands and legs. My back aches as well, probably cause of the needle thingy from before...


I start struggling and wiggling, but the tape is relentless. I decide to stop and try to look around. I can barely see, but I can make out a door. I'm surrounded by boxes and sports equipment. Am I in the gym? I guess so. It was so dark! I started to get scared. Was I gonna die?

Suddenly, the door swung open. Mai Waifu sashayed into the little room, and slammed the door shut. I stared her down. She shot daggers at me with her eyes.

"Well, well, well. You're awake." She said.

Way to state the obvious, I thought to myself. She walked up to me and ripped the tape off my mouth. I wince, then quickly regain my posture.

"What do YOU want!?" I snap.

"Well, first of all, don't snap at me." She says, giving me a death stare. "Secondly, I need you as bait" She says, smiling at the last part.

"Bait?" I ask, confused. "Why?".

"Because." She says, then laughs. "Isn't it obvious?".

"Uh no" I say, feeling incredibly stupid.

"Aki." She says. "Now do you get it?".

"Still no." I say, feeling even stupider.

"He likes you!" She giggles. Say what now?

"No, you're wrong. We're besties, not lovebirds." I say.

But my mind says otherwise. Does he really like me? I mean, sure, there were definitely signs. Firstly, he was my first kiss. And my first date. Plus, he was the only guy (besides Senpai) that I found attractive in the school.

But he also left me for Mai. Why is this so confusing?!

Mai looks at my puzzled face and chuckles. I look at her.

"What?!" I demand. She just looks at me.

"You really have no idea, huh?" she says softly. I shake my head. Mai seems to soften up. She sits on the ground.

"Aki loves you. He only went out with me...so that he could come back to you TWICE as strong." she says. She looks away from me, but I can tell she's tearing up. Does she really...?

"Mai?" I say cautiously.

"What?!" She snaps.

"D-d-do you...love Aki??" I say quietly. She gulps and looks at me. She nods.

"I do...but he loves YOU." She says in a stone-cold voice. She glares at me. I see tears welling up in her rainbow eyes.

"B-but-" i start.

"No. He loves you, and just...won't love me." She says. Suddenly, she pulls out a gun and points it to my head.

"Wait WHAT!?!?!?" I yell. She sadly smiles. "I THOUGHT YOU NEEDED ME AS BAIT!?".

"Not anymore, hon. Having you dead will make Aki love me.". She smiles psychotically. I gasp. Panicking, I try to wiggle free, but there's no use. I close my eyes and brace for impact.

I hear a loud click and lots of yelling. Was I dead? I cautiously open one eye,than the other.

The sight shocks me.

Aiko is there, beating the shit out of Mai. Mai was unconcious by now, but Aiko just kept going.

"How-dare-you-almost-kill-my-friend!!!" She yells in between punches.

"AIKOOOO!!!" I yell. She looks at me and waves.

"A little help, please?" I smile.

2 hours later

Mai was arrested for assault and kidnapping. Me and Aiko are resting in the school courtyard, when all the social butterflies suddenly rush to our side. Kokona is crying, and everyone hugs us.

"We were so worried!!!" Musume-chan exclaimed.

"We didn't want to lose anyone else!!!" Saki cried out, while comforting a still-sobbing Kokona.

"Hold on...where's Akihito-san?" Yui exclaims.


"OH MY GOD!!! AIKO!!! WE FORGOT ABOUT HIM!!!" I yell. Aiko and I rush out to the front gates. Sure enough, they're wheeling Aki out on a stretcher. He's so pale and lifeless that I can't help but shed a tear. I run to his side while the paramedics do their tests. I hold his cold hand. I cry. How could this happen?

"w-what happened?" I ask a nearby nurse.

"He was in a cage with this bottle" she says, showing me a plastic baggy. Inside are shattered remains of a green glass bottle. "I confirmed that it is poison. It was rigged to explode, and he inhaled too much of it." she says, nodding at Aki.

"Will he be okay?" I ask. The nurse looks at me, at him, then back at me. She sighs.

"I...don't think so. There's a very slim chance he'll ever wake up. I'm sorry darling." she says, then saunters away. I stand there in shock for a good 5 minutes. Then, I just break down into sobs.

How could this happen? Aki was always so careful...so carefree...how is he the dying one?

Aiko comes over and hugs me while I cry. Every time I try to stop, the tears come back twice as hard.

Is he really leaving me?

Hi everyone! Sorry for the long wait, once again. I hope you enjoyed!!!

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