Bodyguards : Part 31

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A/N: I know the picture doesn't match the story, but doesn't Ayano look like Cooking Mama?! Anyways, thank you guys SO MUCH for all the support! If you like it, please comment down below! Again, thank you, and ENJOY!!! :D

Ayano's POV

I sigh. Protecting Aki is...well, boring!

Me, Aki, and Aiko are sitting in the school courtyard, where the whole group usually eats lunch. Aki is huddled in the corner and me and Aiko sit in front of him, armed with scissors. We've been sitting like this for 15 minutes, but I'm already bored. I could be with the social butterflies right now, gossiping! Plus, I think Kokona is telling them something interesting, cuz their laughing every 10 seconds! Oh how much I would give to be there right now...

Aiko glances at me and frowns. I frown back. So we're both bored! Nice to know. I sigh and stand up.

"H-h-hey! What are you doing!? Sit down! You have to protect me!" Aki says.

"Aki, as much as we care about you, we can't just do this all day! We have lives to tend to! Besides, just stay next to us! She can't attack you with so many witnesses near by!" I say.'

Aki looks at me nervously. Then, he takes a deep breath and slowly stands up. Aiko smiles at me, and then runs over to the butterflies, who greet her warmly. I grin. A few days ago, they were bad-mouthing her. Now, they really like her! Musume even complimented her hair!

I happily start walking over to the social butterflies. All of a sudden, I hear a loud grunt and some muffling. I immediately turned around.


I try not to show that I was scared. I held in my screams. Then, I went and got Aiko.

"Hey Ayano! What's up?" she says cheerfully.

"Aiko!!!" I whisper through my teeth."Aki's GONE!!! As soon as I turned around, he was missing!".

"WHAT!!?!?!?! Omigosh!!! Let's go! What are you waiting for?!" She says, worried. She takes out her scissors and starts running. I follow her, running all around Akedemi. We even ran into the Gardening Club, and around the locker rooms and hedge maze!

"We...*huff*...have looked ...*huff*...EVERYWHERE!!!" Aiko says, exhausted. I sigh, and plop right on to the grass. I'm so tired, but that doesn't matter right now! I need to find Akihito!!

If ANYTHING ever happen to that boy...


Akihito's POV
I knew that if Ayano and Aiko left my side, something bad would happen. I just KNEW it. And yet did they listen to me? No. They just HAD to be with their friends. And now, I'm here.

I don't really know what happened, to be honest. All I know is that as soon as Ayano turned her back on me, someone had thrusted a bag over my head and picked me up. How could someone have picked me up?! I weighed over 100 pounds!!! It was near impossible!!!

Mai's POV
I go to the gym. A lot.

Akihito's POV
Anyways, I just needed to get out of...wherever I was! So, I started to struggle. Unfortunately, my kidnappers had bound my hands and feet with sturdy rope. I breathed in, trying to calm down. Instead, I felt a pair of hands on my head. Were they going to choke me?! Beat me!? I began to struggle and wiggle with all my might.

"RELAX! God, just calm down already!" a familiar voice barked. Although there was a bag over my head, I could feel myself going pale.


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