GIRLS NIGHT!!!! : Part 29

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Ayano's POV
After I came face-to-face with Akihito and Mai, I didn't really want to do much. My heart hurt too much...

I still liked Akihito...

But he chose Mai over me.

Which is why I needed a friend to consult. And the social butterflies are nice and all, but they're REALLY big chatterboxes, which means they might spill the beans to an unsuspecting gossip-seeker. They won't MEAN to do it, but they will. And that would really, really suck.

And since Aiko is both new and my friend, she'll be the perfect person to ask for opinions.

Aiko said that I could spend the night, so at night, I packed my bags and headed over to the address Aiko provided me.

When I first saw her house, I thought..


WTF!?!??! HO-WHA-WHE!?!?!

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WTF!?!??! HO-WHA-WHE!?!?!


Aiko's POV
This is what happens when someone visits my house.

Ayano wanted to talk about something, and she sounded really upset! So obviously, I suggested she spend the night at my place!

At 7, my butler informed me that there was a gawking japanese schoolgirl on the porch. I sighed. Why does this happen every time someone visits?!

When I went outside, sure enough, Ayano was on my porch, luggage dropped and mouth wide open. I burst out laughing. How could I not?! It was just so funny!

I escorted Ayano inside, still giggling. She was still so shocked. I led her up to my bedroom, and fanned her a bit with a sheet of paper.

"YO!!! AYANOOOO!!! ARE YOU IN THERE?" I yell. She yelps and snaps out of it. Laughing, I plop onto my bed.

"OH. MA. GAWD. AIKO! I DIDN'T KNOW...!" She says, startled. I jolt up.

"Well...this doesn't change anything...does it?" I say cautiously. I've had friends that treat me completely differently after they found out I was rich. It was annoying, and I hated it.

"Of course not, Aiko!" Ayano says with a smile.

"Okay, great! Now, what did you wanna tell me?" I ask her.

" see Aiko...Akihito and I used to be in love. Heck, he took my first kiss! But...he loves Mai now...and I just don't kno what to do!!!" she says, bursting into tears. I embrace her in a warm hug, and she returns it. I miss this! I miss friendships! Everyone always think I'm too much of a brute...

"Oh Ayano! Don't worry! Mai will probably realize she's better than that Akihito and he'll be left out in the cold!" I say, sounding as cheerful as possible. I realize this doesn't sound the best, but it's too late to take my words back.

"I wish it was that simple! But Akihito seems to really like Mai! And he's completely blocked me out! I-I-I just wanna know what I did to deserve that!" Ayano sobbed. I sighed. come it seems that all they do is break hearts? I don't understand. That's it! This Friday, I'm gonna confront Ayano about this, and ask her to just stay single the rest of the school year. That way, she can't get hurt!

Meanwhile, a dark figure is perched on the bedroom window, watching the girl's every movements.

???: Well, this is not going to be easy, is it? Well, I guess that's why he hired me...

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