What I did... :Part 4

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This chapter is mainly from Taro's perspective. Ty for reading, and enjoy~

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...


A few hours ago...

"Hey Aishi-chan! How are you?" I greeted her. We've been hanging out together w/Budo for a couple of days now, so I've learned to address her normally, without stuttering! This is a big accomplishment for me.

"Oh! Hello Yamada-kun! What a lovely day, isn't it?" she says happily.

She's so pretty when she's happy. Actually, she's pretty in any mood. Or weather. She's just pretty anywhere and everywhere.

We strike up a conversation, since Budo goes to school earlier, to train a bit before classes start. Classic Budo, putting karate before anything else. That's good for me, though! More alone time with my angel!

Suddenly, Ayano bumps into a red-haired boy. I don't know much about him, and I rarely see him. I sneakily take a quick picture of him with my phone, so that Info-chan can identify him for me later. This quick little act of affection for another fills me with rage.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" she exclaims, holding out a hand to help him up. He doesn't take her hand, and just springs back up himself. He turns around and presses MY Ayano against the wall surrounding the school. Ayano struggles and tries to escape.

"Why hello there, girl~ Do u know what I do to clumsy little girls like you who touch me?" he says seductively. He goes in for a kiss, but my clever little girl manages to slip away, and red-boy ends up kissing the wall.

My Ayano runs into the school, where she runs to the social butterfly circle and tells them what happened. Everyone looks concerned, even Yui Rio, and she's known for not caring for much. While she's busy, I get info on the red-boy from Info-chan

I look at the name, the name of the boy that tried to steal my Ayano

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I look at the name, the name of the boy that tried to steal my Ayano. HE WILL DIE!!!

What happens after that, I cannot see. I'm overcome by some...force that controls me for the next half hour. It feels like I'm asleep. But when I regain consciousness, I'm in the art club room, holding the box cutter. It looks like all I did was walk up here, get the box cutter, and then wake up. Then, Haruto comes into the Art Club with me.

"Eh? What did you wanna show me, Taro?" he says, confused.

Apparently, paralyzed me also asked Haruto to follow me...? I look at him, confused. Then, the spirit takes over me again, this time just briefly, maybe 5 minutes. When I wake up...Haruto is on the floor, dead. The box-cutter is bloody, and so are my clothes.

Back to the present! xD

I don't really know what to do. I panic. I sort out my options.

-Disposing of his body would be nearly impossible, everyone would see me

-Hiding him also wouldn't be the smartest, since there's nowhere convenient where I am

-Running home to hide would make me a big suspect

I rule that the smartest option would be to clean MYSELF up and go to class like nothing happened. I see an art club smock, so I put it on so no one could question the blood on me. I run to the boy's bathroom and open Budo's locker (his fault for trusting me with teh combo xD) and steal his extra uniform that he keeps in case his uniform gets sweaty and gross from training. I slip the uniform on, and run to the incinerator, where I burn the box-cutter and my old uniform. I then run to class, where I barely make it on time.

It feels good but wrong.

Oh well.

What doesn't kill you.

Makes you.


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