Hospital Thoughts : Part 48

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Taro's POV

I watched as Ayano closed her eyes. I would be worried, but I could see her chest rise and fall with each breath she took. I just took the time to observe her. Even though the pain was evident on her face, the beauty was still there. It was messed up, I know. She just shot herself, she was still breathtaking. The ambulance suddenly came to a stop.

We were here.

Ayano's POV
I just kept my eyes closed. Forcing my body to forget the pain and numb it all.

It didn't work.

Tears worked their way down my cheeks as the pain seeped into my skull. I wouldn't be in this position if it weren't for myself, actually. Technically, I guess I did just shoot myself. But it was his fault that I shot myself!

This situation made no sense.

First of all, since when was Taro a murderer? How did he get into Yui's house??

How I we get into this mess?

As it dawns on me that he was exactly like I was, everything goes black.

Taro's POV

The paramedics wheeled Ayano into the surgery room. I tried regulating my breathing, failing miserably. What if she died? What if-

Well, I guess dying would be the worse thing.

I decided to try focusing on the positive.

If she got out of this alive, what would happen?

We could start a family.

We could have children.

We could be together.

I sat down and closed my eyes. I pictured Ayano in a gorgeous, lacy white dress. Walking down the aisle, holding flowers the color of the sky on a bright spring morning. Saying our vows with tears in our eyes. A seven-layer cake.

I could see a house, comfortably furnished. Ayano and I watching cartoons on Sunday mornings. Cooking meals together, laughing together. Sharing feelings and thoughts. Listening to music and stargazing.

I could see our first child. A girl, who preferred her mother's usual hairstyle of a ponytail. Us going on roadtrips and vacations together. Being a complete family, the type you have pictures of in your wallet and on your mantle. The type of family that all the other families our jealous of just for being so...perfect.

And because of me, this dream might never come true.

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