Binoculars : Part 27

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Aiko's POV
After school ended, Ayano asked me if I wanted to go to the library with her and her friends, but I passed. Ayano was really nice! And I knew she wasn't just pitying me because she wanted to hang out with me even AFTER the school day was over! Hurrah!

After I made sure that Ayano-chan left, I headed over to my cousin's info club and exchanged our secret knock-code. It was simply morse-code for "Hey cousin! I'm here!". As soon as I finished, Info-chan quickly opened the door and threw me inside. Wow, she got strong!

"Ah, hello Aiko." Info said. Even in our family, she goes by Info-chan. The only person who actually knows her real name is her mother. Her side of the family was always very mysterious, while my side was violent. It was annoying how people see me as a brute, even though I've never hurt anyone in my life! I only train in self-defense!

 It was annoying how people see me as a brute, even though I've never hurt anyone in my life! I only train in self-defense!

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"Hello Info! How's your life?" I ask cheerfully. Out of all of my cousins, me and Info have always been the closest. Even thought I'm not a violent person, Info-chan was my one exception. See, she ran something called "Brutes For Hire", where she made money off of bullied students in our school district.

I'll spare the ugly details...let's just say that the customer was never bullied again after my job was done. I was one of the 'brutes' for hire, and I was one of the best ones. Me and Info would split the money after. Well, back to the present!

"I understand there's someone stalking me. Who is it?" I ask her.

"I can't tell you. This person is one of my best customers. However, I can assure that you will NOT get hurt in the process" she replied smoothly. I frown.

"Can I at least control the information being sold about me?" I ask. Info simply nods and gestures me to sit in front of her mega-computer.

I have to say, I was definitely impressed. My profile was incredibly detailed. I removed all traces of my personal information, and left simple things like my name and class.

After I'm done editing my profile, Info-chan rushes me out of her room and leaves me in the hallway. I frown. Why such the rush? I wanted to talk to her about my new friends. Suddenly, I hear a cold voice that I recognize as the Mai girl.

"WHAT!?! You HAVE to protect me!!!" her voice shrieks. I quickly peek around the corner. Mai Waifu is talking to someone that I saw in the lunch circle. I assume that's her boyfriend? I sneak behind a random desk tucked into the hallway and eavesdrop to my heart's content.

"I-I-I just can't! You're doing something really serious! How can I keep you safe?" the boy murmurs.

"I REALLY need this! Aki! C'mon!"

"NO!!! Mai, I just CAN'T!!!"

"It's just a SCHOOL TAKEOVER!!! Then it's nothing but road for us!!!" Mai almost shouts. I gasp. School takeover?!!? What!?!

"Mai, you have to understand! I can't!" the boy exclaims, then runs away.

"W-WHAT!?! GET BACK HERE!! AKIHITO HOKKAIDO!!!" the girl screams, then runs after him. Akihito, huh? I run down to the courtyard with my schoolbag. I whip out a notebook and pencil and write down-

Akihito Hokkaido and Mai Waifu-
"School Takeover"

Then, I close my notebook and leave for home. I need time to think about this...


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