Heaven : Part 34

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The song is BOMB by the way!!! And it actually matches the chapter!!! Anyways, enjoy!!!

Aki's POV

Bright lights. Really, really bright! I squint. Where was I? Where's Mai?

I stand up. All around me is just white, white, and more white. I see nothing but white. I check myself out. I'm wearing a white shirt with white jeans, plus some white shoes. All white. It kinda blinded me.

Suddenly, a golden staircase appears. It's so pretty, with ornate designs and touches of white marble. I walk towards it. Then, a black screen suddenly pops up between me and the pretty staircase. Annoyed, I try walking around it, but the screen is too big.

An image pops up on the screen. I examine it. Ayano? Is that...yes! It's her! She's huddled in a ball, crying. I try to touch her, try to comfort her, but I realize that she's just a picture on a screen. She's crying in front of SOMETHING, what is it? When I examine some more, I realize it's my own tombstone! So I'm dead? That's sad.

Then, Ayano disappears. Next comes an image of all the social butterflies. They're huddled together crying. I give a soft gasp. This many people cared about me? I was shocked. I thought Ayano was the only one who cared. I smile.

Then, that picture is replaced by...Mai? She's standing on top of a bulding ledge! I gasp some more.

"I'm so sorry Aki...I'm so sorry.." She says before jumping off.

The screen then turns into a black door. Over it hangs a sign that says Back into the Real World.

Did I want to go back? I look at the golden staircase again. It seemed to be...glowing? It was so tempting...

An old man suddenly pops up next to me. I stare at him, and he stares back.

"Make the right choice." he says sternly. And with that, he's gone.

I look at the dark door. If I chose to go back, everyone else would be happy. But I know that I would never be happy again as long as I lived. The whole Mai experience, it traumatized me. Sometimes, it's better to let go, I decided.

And with that, I sprinted up the staircase.

Hi everyone!
Yes, I know it was very short. I'm sorry ;-;
I'm gonna update more recently though, and this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, so I decided to just publish it, even though it's barely 400 words. Don't worry, a new chapter will be out soon!!!

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