The Last Rose : Chapter 35

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Ayano's POV

Sitting on my bed, I hold a blue rose. And not just any blue rose. The blue rose Aki gave me on our first date. I hold onto it as if my life depends on it. The hospital hasn't called me about Aki yet. I hope he's okay.

That was the only rose that survived over a week. The rest of them were dead, and this one was close to death as well. The petals kept falling off. I hug the rose, thorns and all. Blood trickles onto my favorite sweater, but I couldn't care less. There could be a million more of these sweaters. But there was only one Akihito.

Suddenly, my ringtone fills the empty silence. I scramble to dig my phone out of my purse.

"H-hello?" I whisper, hoping for some good news about Aki

"Yes hello, is this Miss. Aishi?" A woman responds rather impatiently. I nod my head, before realizing she can't see me. "Yes, and you are...?"

"I am Dr. Kyoshi. I have" She says uncertainly.

"W-what?" I say reluctantly. I know what's coming, from her tone. My eyes fill with tears, and I brace myself.

"Mr. Akihito Hokkaido has passed. I'm sorry for your loss." She says emotionless.

That's it.

I throw my phone against the wall. Why would this happen!? HOW could this happen!? He was my first date, my first kiss...

Sobs come out of me, as the salty tears stream down my cheeks. I sit there for god knows how long- 4, maybe 5 hours? At least it was Friday, I had 2 days to calm myself down. Nothing has ever hurt so much! Not when I gave up on Taro-kun, not when Budo died, not even when Satoshi died!

The last blue roses sits on my bed. Even when I start to calm down, I look at the blue rose and lose it all over again. I know others have heard the news by now. I hear my phone ring over and over, and my doorbell too. The girls must be concerned, I guess. I heave myself up to answer the door. I find walking hard. I keep stumbling and bumping into things. I crawl on all fours, since it's easier. I open the door, expecting the girls, but finding...

Taro Yamada.

Taro's POV

I spent the past couple weeks brainstorming ways to gain Aya's love. I've done everything in my power. I made a shrine in my bedroom. I pray everyday. Sometimes, I try to talk to her, but I have a brain-fart every time I'm within 5 feet of her.

But then, Mai happened.

I would've never killed Akihito. See, this is my logic.

I've killed both Budo and Satoshi. So, she might let these murders get to her. She could snap. She could go crazy. She could break.

But then Mai killed Akihito. Soooo...

I really don't know how stable she'll be. So today, I decided to man up and talk to her. I know where she lives, since I've watched her go home maybe one or two times...*cough* 75 times *cough*

I knock on her door. At first, I hear nothing. Then, I hear what sounds like a mix of stomping and falling. Can she not walk? When she opens the door, I confirm my suspicions. She's lying on the floor, face hidden in her knees. I have no idea how she opened her door.

"Umm...i-i-is this a...bad...t-time?" I stutter. My god Yamada, get it together! The love of your life is acting dead, and you STUTTER!?

Silence. She must really be broken. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to her room, or what I'm guessing is her room. I lay her down on her bed. And just like that, she literally falls into a deep sleep. She must really be tired.

I sigh, and leave her house. I guess I should give her some time.

I am sad right now. Why did I kill of Akihito!?!?!? ;-; Oh well...hope you guys enjoyed!

Alone At Last ~AyanoxTaroWhere stories live. Discover now