Reminiscing : Chapter 36

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Heyyyy guys!!! Forgive me for the inconsistent updates *cries*. I have a lot to do, because of state tests n' stuff :(. Anyways, enjoy!

Random Narrator Guy:

After Taro-kun put Ayano in bed, he left to go home. A few minutes later, Ayano wakes up.

Can I go now, Author-chan?

Ayano's POV

....why am I in bed? Think Yan-chan, THINK!!!


TARO!!! HE MUST HAVE ANSWERS!!! Hmm...should I visit him? Crap, I don't even know where he lives! Well, I guess I'll just go out and hope to find him!

Suddenly, pain shoots through my brain. I groan, running into the bathroom to find some Advil. I quickly take some with water, and run outside. Then, I realize I'm in my pajamas. Great.

After I change, I decide to go to Shisuta town. I mean, it's a pretty busy place, maybe Taro-kun will be there?

I get there to see the social butterflies hanging out. Why didn't they invite me? I frown and approach them. They see me and their smiles fade. "Hey guys!" I say, faking a smile. They do the same. "What are you doing here?" Musume says. I feel hurt. I see everyone except for Kokona. Were they ignoring Kokona too?

"Where's Kokona?" I ask. Saki's face loses all color. "Um nowhere! Just off...somewhere! Doing things!" She squeaks. I frown. "Uh...okay? Oh, have you guys seen Taro-kun?" I ask. "NOPE!!! Byeeeeee now" Musume says, and pushes me away. Pissed, I walk away. How DARE they treat me like that! I thought we were friends!

I decide to go to the place me and Aki had our first date- Moonbeam Cafe. Everything was the same. I feel my eyes watering. I simply take a seat. Then, I realize I'm sitting exactly where I sat when me and Aki came here. More tears. A waitress approaches me. She sees my watery eyes.

"Break-up special for today is raspberry ice-cream and bubble tea" she whispers. I nod, then wipe my eyes. She rushes away.

When I finish crying, I look around. Then, I notice her-


She's with a very old looking man, maybe in his 50's? Why is she with him? Then, she meets my gaze. Her eyes widen. She politely excuses herself from her date, then walks over to me.

"What are YOU doing here?"

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