Alone... : Part 14

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Ayano's POV

I feel like I'm alone in this world now...

My old senpai, Taro Yamada, is starting to freak me out. These past few days, he's been running around the school. Sometimes, he carries a mop and a bucket. Sometimes I see a weapon in his hand. Once, I even saw him covered in blood! Of course, I told my friends, who spread the rumors. His reputation is pretty low now. In the morning, I see him complimenting people to get his reputation back up. Ughh, he's so did I ever love him?

My ex-senpai, Budo Masuta, is dead. And even before he had died, he had become so distant. He ignored me for almost a month! He started being late for almost all his classes, his personal hygiene was terrible (he smelled SO bad xC), and I'd heard that he had started sleeping at school! He let everything go just so he could have a shot at the spotlight! Even me...

Satoshi has been gone for almost a week now. Did he go back to Tokyo? No, I visited his luxury apartment a few times (he gave me a key), and he was never there. In fact, everything was in order! No mess, no dishes in the sink, no nothing. And he's never been neat. Maybe he's on vacation or something. Still, couldn't he have at least told me?

 Still, couldn't he have at least told me?

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God, I miss Satoshi. Where did he go? Just when I needed his company the most, he leaves.

Did he disappear? Was he kidnapped? Was he kille- Y'know what? Never mind. I don't wanna know.

Maybe a walk will get my mind off of it. I grab my purse and my phone and head out. I decided to go to Shisuta Town, since I know Kokona sometimes goes there. I get on my bike and head out.

When I get there, I just head to a cafe. On my way there, something sharp plunged into my shoulder! I tried to scream and run, but a trance pulled over me and I fell down...

Alone At Last ~AyanoxTaroWhere stories live. Discover now