X's And O's : Part 23

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A/N: Sorry Aki's eyes aren't blue if you noticed xD. Thanx for reading, and enjoy!!!

Taro's POV
After-school, I ran to catch up with Mai. I knew that today, she was going to study in the library with Kuu Dere, so I run there. Sure enough, she and Kuu are huddling over a textbook.

"Hey! Mai! Could I talk to you?" I whisper-yell in Mai's direction. Thankfully, she hears me and nods. Then, she walks over to me, leaving Kuu Dere to study by herself.

"Y-y-yes? What do y-you need?" Mai asks.

"Err....do you..like Akihito Hokkaido?" I ask

"W-WHAT?! YOU K-KNOW?!?" she almost yells, which is surprising for Mai. She may be smart, but I've never heard her be loud.

"Yes, I do! Listen, I know him, and I think you should talk to him!" I say. She glances at me nervously.

"But he doesn't like me! I mean, not in that way..." she murmurs sadly.

"Don't worry! I know what he likes! He likes ponytails, pink hair, and pink eyes! You already have 2 of those, just start wearing your hair up! Oh! And here's an earpiece! That way, I can help you! And here's a scrunchie! Just put your hair up and go talk to him! " I chirp. She takes it, but frowns. Then, she ties her hair up.

"Great! I'll tell him to go to the West fountain, and then I'll signal you. Get ready!" I say, then I run off. Mai nods, but looks as if she's about to barf.
I find Akihito quite easily, since he's with Ayano and the rest of the social butterflies. They're sitting in a circle on the court-yard's grass and telling stories. I tap Akihito on the shoulder. Thankfully, I've already helped him out before (He forgot his homework at home and had to copy mine), so I know he'll trust me.

"Oh! Hey Taro! What's up?" he says cheerfully.

"Hey Akihito! Listen, a girl wants to meet you by the West Fountain. I think you'll like her!" I say. He looks at me strangely, then looks at Ayano, then back at me, and nods.

"Sure. I'll go." he says, and starts running there. YES!!!

~Now to fetch Mai~

Akihito's POV
Someone likes me? Huh. I didn't really want to meet them, I'll be honest. But, I needed to get my mind off of Ayano for a bit. Maybe loosen up. Then, I'd go for her again, with more success!

After about 5 minutes, someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned around.


I know her! I mean, I don't like her like that, but sure, why not

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I know her! I mean, I don't like her like that, but sure, why not.

"Errr....h-hi" she stutters. I smirk. I'll admit, that was pretty darn cute.

"Hello!" I reply.

"Umm...so...do you like cats? I love them!" she says uncertainly. I almost burst into laughter. I restrain myself, and respond.

"Yea, actually, I do! Very much!", which is true. In Tokyo, cats were the one bit of cuteness my mother allowed.

"E-e-even though I l-love cats, I h-hate...er...m-music?" she says.

"Hey! I don't think that's fair!" I snap back. Music was also something me and my mother held close to us in Tokyo. She looks at me sadly. I sigh.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to be that mad..." I say.

"I-I-It's fine!!! Um...can you lift 20 pounds? I can!" she says, using some weights from the sports club. I'm pretty imressed! I didn't know someone as delicate as Mai could lift!

Taro's POV
YES! I was depending on the hope that Mai was a bit strong!!

Akihito looks impressed! You done good, Taro Yamada...

You done good.

After Mai showed Aki her skills, they both left, leaving me in my ingenious hiding spot, behind a cherry tree near the fountain!

This might take some time...

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