Sticks and Stones : Part 13

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Ayano's POV
The day Budo died, I went home early. The social butterflies wanted to come, but they had to be interviewed, so the only person that could come was Satoshi. He walked me home and offered to stay, but I denied it. I didn't really wanna talk to anyone. All I could do was eat Nutella with a spoon and sit on my couch, watching TV. Sadness filled me.

Budo was dead...he was really dead....

All I can think about is the time he saved me from Mina. Without him, I literally would not be alive right now. How did he even die? He's the second strongest karate master in the school. No one but Satoshi could've killed him, and Satoshi was with me the whole time.

Did Budo do anything wrong? No, he told me everything. Even after he went mystery mode, we'd text every night about our own club's progress.

But I was going to break up with him. Today during lunch, I'd been planning to break the news to him. But now he was dead. Who would do this!!?

Satoshi's POV
Poor Aya. She doesn't deserve this in any way. Could I do anything to make her feel better? Hmm...

What if I found the murderer? It would protect Aya. And she'd be happy that Budo would be avenged. But is dead Budo worth my time? He really was like the biggest jerk when he got a big head. Plus, he was Aya's ex, and I suppose I should't like him. But if it was for Aya, I would do anything. So investigating it was!

The next day, obviously, Ayano skipped school. She just couldn't face it. She told me to take notes for her and get her homework, which I paid special attention to. I didn't even get notes of my own!

After school, I explored a bit. The back of the school, the bathrooms, the courtyard... Everywhere, basically. I had no luck and was about to give up, when I found an empty bottle on the floor of the school's biology room. BINGO! I guess the police missed this. I picked it up with gloves on into a plastic baggie and took it to the teacher, who sent it to the police.

I decided to go back to Aya's place. I hadn't gone home for days. I lived alone right now, since my parents had wanted to stay in Tokyo. But I was fine. I stayed in an apartment that was pretty nice. I had a bunch of money on me from my karate tournament victories, and I didn't mind the solitude. But Aya was a different story. I would always choose Aya over solitude.

On the way there, I had to stop and tie my shoelaces. When I bent down, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I immediately bounce back up to discover a syringe in my shoulder, injecting some liquid. I pull it out as quick as possible. Still, a good portion of the liquid has been injected. I turn around to find...


There's no time for this. I throw a couple of punches and kicks at him. He dodges most of them, but I hit him a couple times.

YES! I was winning! I just had to throw the final, devastating punch, when suddenly, my head felt like it had weights inside. I collapsed, still conscious. Then, I passed out.

Taro's POV

Yes! It worked! I knew I could hold off for a bit. Even though I got punched a few times xC

Ayano will love me. and only me. Not this Satoshi Saro BS.

So, I dragged Satoshi back to my house, into the closet, etc. etc. I can only hope no one saw me. I was so unprepared. I decided to prop Satoshi onto my shoulders as if he was drunk and I was a friend. It made it more believable.

This time, I wasn't gonna torture for control...

I wanted information.

Info on Ayano, on what she likes and hates, who she likes, etc.'

Let's see how this goes...

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