Ayano Aishi: Part 3

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As I was thinking about what to do, Mina lifted the katana.

"Goodbye, Ayano-chan! And hello, Budo's heart!!!" she says maliciously

I close my eyes tight, and embrace for impact. I want to scream. Is this how I was gonna die? A knife in my vaheen, and a murder is blamed on one of my new friends? I guess karma is a jerk. I sighed. Maybe if I move a bit, it'll stab me somewhe-

In the middle of my thoughts, I heard a loud *thud!* and a gasp, then a scream. Had I been stabbed without my knowing? But it didn't hurt! Plus that scream didn't sound like mine...

I opened one eye, then both. The sight was shocking.

Budo was holding Mina, but not in the affectionate way. He'd bound her arms so that she could struggle. Her legs were a few inches above the ground. He had thrown the katana on the ground, so she couldn't harm anyone. She was screaming and trying to move. I slowly got up.

"B-b-b-budo-kun! Thank you so much!" I say graciously, bowing to my savior. He nodded at the katana. For a second, I thought he wanted me to kill Mina. I looked at the katana horrifically, and he understood what I thought.

"Could you take it to a teacher for safe-keeping?" he asks

I sigh with relief. My yandere days are long gone, and I didn't wanna start ever again!

"N-n-no! Budo-senpai! I-I-I-I...Ayano was trying to hurt m-me! I-I-I wasn't d-doing a-anything! S-senpai! Y-y-you have to believe me!" Mina stuttered, shocked. She was crying.

Budo looked at Mina with a warm smile

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Budo looked at Mina with a warm smile.

"Of course I believe you, Mina-chan! I love you!" he says affectionately. I look at him with a horrified stare.

Mina looks at me smugly. "See, Ayano? Budo-senpai loves ME and ONLY ME!". She smiles at Budo-kun. "Hunny, let's kiss so that SHE has to watch!" she says happily. Budo nods. My stomach drops. My new start just ended with my best friend believing I was gonna hurt his stalker. I want to look away, but Budo walks over to me and jerks my head to face him and Mina. He leans in, and he and Mina share a passionate kiss. Suddenly, Mina jerks her head back and lets out a loud scream. I thought it was a scream of joy (?), when I see the knife. The blade runs all the way into Mina's stomach, and even I know that there's no hope for Mina. A minute later, she drops. Dead.

Budo stands back, looking scared. He looks at me.

"D-do you hate me now?" he says, looking shamefully at Mina's dead corpse. I look at him, and for a second, I don't see a killer. I see a pure-hearted guy who was trying to save me. And that's how I fell for Budo.

And that's when we shared our first kiss. Right in the Martial Arts club, next to a dead body.

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