Tied For The Night: Chapter 41

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Taro's POV:


"Really? Nothing?" she laughs. "Then why did you kill her boyfriend? And every other guy she showed interest in?". By now, my jaw is dropped. I swallow, hard. I place my chopsticks down, and look straight into her eyes.

"What do you want from me?"


She giggled, staring right into my eyes. Suddenly, she tensed up, getting serious.

"I want to know why she gave up on you".

"What?" I asked, feeling really quite stupid.

"Well" Ryoba said, taking a seat. "She used to be just like you".

Wait...that means...she's a murderer as well!?

Ayano's POV:

"Yui, again, thank you SOOO much for letting me bunk with you!!" I exclaimed again. Yui chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes, I get it Ayano" Yui said sarcastically. "You don't have to repeat it over and over again!".

"It's just that...I could be dead without you" I said with a warm smile. "So thanks for this!!!".

An eerie silence runs through us.

"Wanna go fangirl over hot Korean stars?" I blurted out randomly. Then, I slapped a hand over my mouth. Where did that come from!?!?! Yui looks over at me and laughs.


2 hours later...

"KIM SOO-HYUN!!!!" the both of us scream. We were watching My Love from The Star, and got to the part where he told Cheon Song-Yi that he had to leave. Crying, we shovel more ice cream into our mouths. We were currently in Yui's room, sitting on her bed.

"WHyYYYYYyyYYYYyyy" Yui wails, mouth bursting with ice cream. Suddenly, the whole room goes black.

"AGHHHHHHHHH CLIFFHANGER!!!" I yell, pointing at the TV. Yui sighs, and stands up.

"The power must've burned out or something." Yui declared. I look around the room. Besides for the TV blasting our drama, Fire by BTS had been blasting through Yui's speakers. We were charging both our phones, Yui's laptop, iPad, and her other set of speakers. Plus, we'd plugged in 5 fans, because Yui's air conditioner broke.

I guess this was bound to happen.

"So, what do we do?" I ask. Yui shrugs.

"I'll go look for the power box" she suggests. "I mean, people say that hitting it with something makes it work so..." she says, looking around.

"Here!" I say, handing her a hammer.

"Tha- wait where did you get a hammer?" she says, confused.

"Oh, I always try to keep a weapon on me" I say casually. "Today, I just chose a hammer". Yui looks at me strangely, then smiles warmly and pulls a pocket knife out of her pocket.

"Twinning!" she chirps. I take a second to register what she just said, and then burst into laughter.

Who knew people could bond over weapons?

Yui grabs my hammer and heads outside. I sit on the bed quietly, not sure what to do. Then, I swear I hear...skittering? I shake it off (A/N: CUE TAYLOR SWIFT!!!) and decide that it's only in my head. But 5 seconds later, I hear it again. Then, a loud 'BANG'!

"Uhhh...Yui?" I call. Nothing. I get up, freaked out. "YUI!??! HELLO!?!" I call again, this time louder louder. Still nothing.

"IF THIS IS A PRANK, I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, YUI!!!" I yell, as I run outside in a baggy t-shirt and shorts. What? I only wear them at home!

"YUI!??!?!" I yell. Normal people wouldn't be this afraid. Normal people also don't have creepy moms who make them kill people.

So yeah. I'm not normal.

"YUI!!!" I cry, breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Aya! Back here!" I hear. Relief floods my insides as I rush to the back. There stood Yui, hitting a metal box feverishly.

"Hey Aya!" She says, hitting the box with my hammer. "Did the electricity start back up yet?!". I peek through the windows, into the still-dark house.

"No, but it doesn't help that your hitting your air conditioner..." I say. She looks confused, then looks at the metal box she was hitting and squeals.

"NOOOO MY AC!!!" She cries. "Welp, I guess I really DO have to call a repairman now. Damn." she says. Then, she lightly kicks the actual power-box. All the lights in the house immediately turn on in a quick 'whirr'. There's a moment of silence, and then we just laugh.

Yui Rio is officially my best friend.


Ryoba hands Taro a fully-loaded gun.

"Look boy, choose what you want. But either way, I want her dead." she says coldly, with no emotion in her eyes. Then, she left him alone.

Taro, on the other hand, cried his eyes out, looking at the gun. He couldn't. He forbid himself.

But he had no choice.


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