Goodbye... : Part 16

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Narrator POV
Taro Yamada wakes up in the dead black that is midnight. He hears hoarse yells and pleas of help.

"Stupid idiot..." he murmurs under his breath. It was starting to get really annoying to deal with this boy. He always needed to watch his back. Always needed to keep an eye on him. Release is not an option. The bat couldn't erase his memory THAT much.

Wait! He didn't even have use anymore! Taro's eyes widen.

This would be perfect time for body disposal...

Taro jumps out of bed quietly, but with a smile on his face, staring at the bat in the corner. He grabs the bat and opens the closet door swiftly. Satoshi Saro stares back at Taro, bright blue eyes gleaming in the black night. He'd managed to get his gag down, and was now crying for help. It wasn't very loud though. His throat was too dry. He was too weak. It really was perfect!

Taro slowly creeps towards Satoshi and re-adjusts the gag. Satoshi struggles, but gives up. He knew the end was coming days ago.

Taro face has a sinister smile. He raises the bat.

"I'm sorry, friend".


Satoshi's POV

Ayano, I've decided to give up.

I can't do this anymore. I couldn't even protect you.

I'm useless...

I have no purpose...

I need to die now.


Taro's POVWas it always this messy? And the blood got on some of my clothes too! Darn it!

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Taro's POV
Was it always this messy? And the blood got on some of my clothes too! Darn it!

I put the body in an old duffel-bag of mine. I know no one will be suspicious, and it's the perfect fit! I think about disposal for a bit. I come to the conclusion that the best method is to use the school incinerator. The closest incinerator is the school's, and the duffel bag is reasonable, since I have gym tomorrow. I just clean up the blood and throw the clothes in the wash.

I then go back to sleep. I need ma zzz's!

Ayano's POV
I was about to fall asleep, when I hear my text-tone. I sigh and get up. I grab my phone and check the contact.

Text From- _InFo_gIrL_ : Image Attached

I sigh. Some of my classmates are bit less sympathetic and have been sending me troll texts about Budo and Mei. The picture is probably a picture of Budo and me together with a stupid caption like "Did u guys break up" or something. I got something like that yesterday. Ugh...

As much as I want to ignore this text, I want to block the contacter. So, I open it.

And I scream...and scream...and cry.

For the next hours to come.

The picture? Shows Satoshi. My Satoshi. Sitting in a chair in a dark, dark room.



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I-i-i can't b-breathe. My heart....has it always been this heavy? My head is spinning. I fall down.

Alone At Last ~AyanoxTaroWhere stories live. Discover now