Replacement : Part 28

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A/N: Some people might wonder if this is becoming a story where Mai takes over and people join forces and fight and all that. It's still an AyanoxTaro fanfic, just wait a bit!

Aiko's POV
After I heard that conversation, I ran home and tried to connect it. Mai was planning a takeover. Was she trying to get Akihito on her side?

"WHAT!?! You HAVE to protect me!!!" Mai had said. So she was trying to recruit Akihito as some kind of...bodyguard? Strange...I should tell Info about this!

Whatever! All I know is that I MUST protect Ayano from the menace Mai will some day release. For now however, I just want to have a normal school experience.

Taro's POV
Today, Info-chan wanted to meet me in her club-room. To be honest, I'm kinda nervous. I mean, it's Info-chan! She's the scariest person in this school! She told me to stand at her door at precisely 4:31, so that's what I'm doing right now!

Suddenly, the door slides open, and a long hand grabs me and pulls me inside the room. It is very dark, seeing that the only light is coming from the computer that Info-chan probably uses to stalk people. Creepy...

"Well, you're here now

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"Well, you're here now." She says in a monotone voice. I wince. Is she gonna hurt me?

"U-u-umm...yeah! Yeah, I'm here! So, what did you want?" I stutter.

"Firstly, you wanted to see my cou- I mean...Aiko's elimination plan, right?" Info-chan says.

"Erm..I never asked for an elimination plan..." I reply.

"Well, this one is free. For my best client" she says matter-of-factly. I shrug. Who am I to turn down something free? I walk over to her computer.

"And, there's something I need you to do." Info-chan says with a smile. I knew she wouldn't be this nice without a reason!

"Mai Waifu is starting to raise some suspicion. Her profile information is all wrong, and another client confirmed some...suspicious information. I need you to stalk her and find out what she's planning." Info-chan says in a mischievous way.

"What do I get?" I ask. I will not do something for free! Stalking Mai sounds like a waste of time. She's in my class, and she's weak! She's probably unable to do whatever Info-chan thinks she's doing. Plus, I could be using the time to stalk my angel!

"You get free favors for a week." she says. A WEEK! WOW! That's A LOT! I could fill the entire student profile page without having to pay a ridiculous amount of panty shots! What a steal!

"DEAL!!!" I shout. She nods, and ushers me out of her room.

"But I thought you said free elimination me-" I start

"Go away" She says. That's all I need. I'm not getting in Info-chan's way.

Ayano's POV
First of all, UGGHHH!!!

Aki completely forgot about me!!! He replaced me with Mai!!! Just because I called him my friend?! I called him my friend only because I wanted to keep things CASUAL!!!

And not only does he replace me, he shuts me out of his life completely!!! He FORGOT about our plans after-school! We were supposed to go see the movie we missed on Friday!!! But instead, he's nowhere in sight, and I'm left standing at the school gates like a big loner!!


N-no!!! I promised I w-wouldn't do this!!! I need some rest

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N-no!!! I promised I w-wouldn't do this!!! I need some rest...

As I'm walking out of school, Akihito suddenly bumps into me, knocking me to the floor. He was at school?! He looks at me sadly, then continues running.

"W-wait!! Aki-" I begin, before being rudely interrupted.

"AKIHITO!!! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" a squeaky voice suddenly yells behind me. When I turn around, I find Mai. Ugh. Her. I grab her by the shoulders as she attempts to run past me, and I throw her to the ground.

"Agh!!! Why would you do that!?" Mai yells

"What are you doing to Aki!? Leave him alone!" I yell back. I can't take this anymore. I reach into my schoolbag, to find the slip of paper Aiko gave me in school today. I dial the number written on the paper.

"Hello? Ayano" I hear.

"Hi! Aiko! Can I stay at your house tonight?"

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