Intruding : Part 43

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Writing this at 12:00 A.M....greetings from the bed :> ~Kelli

Yui's POV

From my past experiences, people with guns has always ended up for the worse. So when I peered out the window and saw someone literally STANDING OUTSIDE THE DOOR wearing all black and holding a gun, I kinda freaked out. Now, Ayano and I were sitting in my bedroom, freaking out.

"WHAT SHOULD WE DO!?" Ayano cries, her having some pretty traumatic gun experiences as well. "SHOULD WE CALL THE COPS?! SHOULD WE RUN AWAY!?"

" windows don't open enough for us to fit through...does your phone have battery? Mine doesn't, and the chargers are back in the living room" I reply, trying to stay calm.

"M-mine is dead too" Ayano stuttered, showing me her battery-less phone. I sighed, looking around for anything to defend us with. Suddenly, it hits me:

A long time ago, in case somebody jumped me, my dad gave me a gun. Deep down, I knew he just wanted me to go to the 'dark side' and start killing people like him. Still, I'd kept the gun, and hidden it in my room somewhere...where was it?!

"Aya, listen to me" I said, taking her hands in mine. "First of all, take a deep breath and calm down. Second of all, there's a gun in this room somewhere, but I don't remember where. So, get yourself together, and help me look for the gun." Ayano nodded, and we began to search the room.


Taro's POV

There I was. Dressed in all black, standing outside of Yui Rio's house, holding a gun. I saw her grab someones' hand and run into a room. So, she had a house guest, I guess. Cool. More for me to kill!

I kicked down the locked door and decided to take my time and act like a dumb killer, like in those typical horror movies. I checked the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room. I even took some time to try some of their unfinished dinners, one of them tasted sweet for some reason?

10 minutes passed before I finally decided to go into their bedroom.

Let's see what happens, shall we?

Short chapter, I know. I dunno how long Allie makes her chapters, so I'll try making it longer next time :3


Alone At Last ~AyanoxTaroWhere stories live. Discover now